


1 year, 10 months ago



Gender Xenogender

Pronouns He/They

Age 2

DoB 16th January

Sign Capricorn

S.O. N/A

Race Human Exo Hybrid

Status Alive

Alignment Neutral Good

Occupation Guardian

Song Name

Song Author

Could we… talk about something else for a while?


  • Snow
  • Autorifles
  • The Traveller
  • Hotsprings


  • Pulse Rifles
  • Artemis
  • Content
  • Content


  • Murder
  • Being in pain
  • Content
  • Content


Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Unjust Fair
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf




DOm. hand








Spirit animal

Futuristic Sci-fi Fantasy











Quirks & Habits

Daphnis has a habit of just rushing into situations without much forethought, saving all that hard work for Panpipe. It’s a lot easier to think with all possible enemies dead, you know? He’s not careless, but he prefers plans which are quick to execute and quicker to plan out. Pick an entrance, pick an exit, what you do inbetween is up to you.

Communication skills

Daphnis isn’t one for communication, he lets Panpipe do most of the talking. He isn’t afraid of asking for help though, he just can’t put things into words fast enough and thus, Panpipe does most of the actual communication to speed things up, which Daphnis very much appreciates.

Showing affection

Daphnis doesn’t have a lot of people to show appreciation to. Although he shows any appreciation by trying not to rush into things. Those he trusts will actually see him think things out in hopes of them not getting hurt or offended that he left without them. He’ll set his anxieties aside, just for them.


Chicken Soup


Fruit Smoothie


Cold Air











Time of day


Clothing item








Height 6'0"

Weight 79kg

Build Muscular

Face shape Triangular

Hairline Low

Colour scheme Pink and Purple

Main aesthetic Space

Clothing style Warcore

Facial features

Daphnis’ lower jaw and eye are visibly that of an Exo. The human eye on the right is deep blue and the Exo eye on the left is brilliant white.

Scars & Marks

There is a long scar trailing from their left eyebrow to their jaw. There is visible wiring and metal underneath their torso and arms. There are various small scars across their arms, torso, and legs. Their ear is also clipped in multiple places.


The number 66 is tattooed on the back of Daphnis’ neck from their previous life.


Daphnis has pierced their own ears multiple times. They swap out the earrings they wear multiple times a week, a day if they can.


His wardrobe is very militaristic. Tight fitted black clothing along with various harnesses for his different guns. He’s a fan of short sleeve tops, arm warmers, and short gloves. The more complicated the torso set up, the better in his opinion.

  • Short Sleeve Shirts
  • Arm Warmers
  • Short Gloves
  • Leather Harnesses
  • Face defining Helmets
  • Long Sleeve Tops
  • Non-Boot Shoes
  • Scarfs



Reborn on Europa, Daphnis awoke under the stars. A ghost circled around them, warning them about an upcoming snowstorm. A pair of sad tired eyes stared into the night sky above them. Eventually, he pushed himself up from the snow and followed the ghost’s instructions to a nearby bunker. In just enough time, the newborn Guardian manages to block the entrance to their small shelter and catch their breath once more.

Now, with the most recent threat safely outside, their ghost is able to explain things. New life, new memories, new names. It upset the reborn Guardian at first. Their new life had just started, and now they were being expected to uphold the will of some other entity. His ghost explained to him that, no, he wasn’t. The ghost had been looking for years for someone perfect. Someone special enough to be gifted with this power. The power to protect themselves and those they love and the world they live in. The Traveller has gifted them this ability and can’t take it away from them. The Traveller wishes for more hands to help them protect the world and everything beautiful and living about it. The young Guardian remained silent for a while, and then verbally accepted their new life, or at least the beginning of it.

The ghost then asked them what they wanted to be referred to as. To which they had no answer. The Guardian glanced out of a skylight. The snow storm had cleared, revealing the unending starry sky above.

“Could we… talk about something else for a while?” He asked. Following the Guardian’s gaze, the Ghost looked up at the night sky.

“You know, it’s quite beautiful when you don’t run the risk of frostbite.”

The pair spent the rest of their time awake gazing at the stars and planets above them. The Ghost began recounting stories from years long past and their namesake origins. Saturn passed overhead, and the Ghost began explaining the seemingly endless list of moons.

“Daphnis, named after a lonely lovestruck Shepard. Descendant of the Titans, son of Hermes, and brother of Pan.”

The Ghost looked down at the Guardian, his eyes still locked onto the sky.

“I think that would suit you.”


“Daphnis. I think it would suit you. The way you look at the stars. You seem lovestruck.”

“Daphnis wouldn’t be too bad. What would you be calle".

“How about Panpipe? Your loyal companion through your story.”

“As long as you’re okay with that.”

Even without a mouth, Daphnis could still feel a warm smile emanating from his Ghost. “Accompanying you is my main goal. To help you succeed in whatever you put your mind to. I’d be happy to be your Panpipe, Daphnis.”

Daphnis smiled. This might work.

“Daphnis-1 it is.”

“Daphnis… one?”

“You’re an exo, correct?”

Daphnis’ eyes grew wide. From their perspective, they seemed completely human.

“My apologies Daphnis, it was shortsighted of me to assume you’d remember what you looked like."

The pair searched through the base for something at least slightly reflective. They were slow and methodical, despite Daphnis’ newfound panic and Panpipe’s regret, they made sure not to break anything or misplace anything that might be useful later. They eventually stumbled upon a particularly clean metal tray. Daphnis angled it as best he could in the light, but no amount of shifting his reflection could make it more believable. His lower jaw was made entirely of metal, with a scar tearing through his left eye, revealing the muscle behind it and the eye itself were also replaced with inorganic counter components.

“Panpipe, what are Exos?”

Panpipe explained, to the best of their ability, which only seemed to confuse Daphnis even more. A machine in the appearance of a human was not what they were, not by a long shot. There was too much actual human in him, too much actual human on him, to be considered an imitation.

Seeing how upset Daphnis was becoming again, Panpipe quickly rushed to distract their mind with more concrete worries, like getting off Europa. Daphnis had been found quite far out in the snowy desert, it would be quite a trek to find some sort of ship, let alone one in working condition, or the materials to repair one. But that was a trip they could start in the morning, for now, Panpipe recommended Daphnis rest. The bunker they were in was slowly raising Daphnis’ core temperature, their mind was focusing on the real dangers, they could finally relax.

Panpipe was finally whole. They could rest.


After a few days of trekking through the snow, avoiding blizzards where they could, the pair finally stumbled upon a crashed jumpship. Mostly intact, however, an entire wing had been separated. It took an extra few weeks of scavenging for places to sleep and materials to pull the ship back together again. Eventually, Daphnis and Panpipe finally managed to bring the ship back to a flightworthy state, and Daphnis provided the navigation necessary to make it back to The Last City.

It was a new experience, being suddenly surrounded by so many different faces and voices. Most were extremely friendly, happy to have another pair of hands around to help. Learning all these new faces and voices and personalities was a pleasant experience all in all. Certain faces gave them a double take, but refrained from outwardly mentioning anything. Panpipe noticed the occasional mutterer behind them, but made sure that Daphnis would be looking the other way.

A pain started to grow from Daphnis’ right arm, beginning in the wrist and growing to encompass his entire arm within the span of half an hour. As Daphnis began to leave the Hanger, the pain rapidly escalated throughout their entire body, causing them to quickly drop to the floor, it felt like their entire nervous system was made of live wires. The shipwright Daphnis had learnt was called Amanda Holiday rushed to his aide as their vision left them.

Daphnis woke up in a quiet ward. Panpipe filled them in on what had been discovered while they were out. Most of the inside of Daphnis’ right arm was mechanical. A human nerve that had somehow remained within the mechanical parts had become inflamed and the reaction had passed to their spine and throughout their body. They were currently being pumped with some high quality painkillers through whatever veins remained.

Their right arm and legs felt numb. The rest of their body felt cold. Their head felt so heavy.

“Do I have to stay awake?” They asked.

“No, you’re stable. It’d be best to get some real rest anyways.” Panpipe replied.

And with that, Daphnis was once again out for the count.

He awoke the next morning, bright and early. But, not everything was the same. He sat upright in bed, slouching over, his hands in his lap.

“Oh, good morning Daphnis-1” A doctor said as she approached him.


“I’m sorry?”

“Daphnis-2.” He corrected her.

The doctor asked Daphnis what exactly they remembered, and he told her that if she said he started existing today, he would believe her if not for the ingrained knowledge of resets and the number stored in his head.

Panpipe spent the next hour reminding Daphnis of the past few months. Europa, the jumpship, the tower, the new friends, the collapse, the now. A friendly face came to visit him that day, he was informed by Panpipe that her name was Amanda Holliday, the human woman who’d been the first to arrive at his collapsed body. He thanked her greatly for that.

The night slowly arrived. The painkillers had been toned down and the doctors were split on whether or not to completely scrap the exo limbs Daphnis had obtained along with the inflamed nerves housed within them and replace them with new ones or to assign them a pain management regiment. Daphnis carefully fell asleep again, hoping that this embarrassing mess would be quickly put behind them.

“Morning Daphnis-2.” A doctor said quickly, glancing between the machine pumping Daphnis full of painkillers and his tablet.


His eyes widened, “Again?”

“I believe so.”

Panpipe was equally as confused. Exo resets happened, and were unfortunate when they did. But two in the span of two days? That was a little more uncommon. But they performed their duties again, reminding Daphnis of the past few months plus one day.

A message was sent to him. From Europa. An Awoken, Artemis. A welcome message, and an invitation to come visit her. Panpipe promised Daphnis they would hold onto the message until Daphnis could be released.

Another reset upset the doctors further; there was an increased reluctance to remove Daphnis’ current exo parts if they were suffering from genuine exo illnesses. They still wanted to keep him for observation, and he still required pain medication, so in the ward he remained.

“Hey, Panpipe?”

“Yes, Daphnis?”

“This is normal, right?”

Panpipe hesitated.

“I can’t say that it is, I’m sorry.”

Daphnis sighed.

“But no matter what, I’ll be here for you Daphnis.”

“Thank you."


“Morning Daphnis-3, or is it 4 now?”

Daphnis hesitated. The doctor nodded.

“Alright then, this is getting interesting.”

The cycle continued over the next sixty-three days. The pain stopped after day three in the ward. On day ten, Daphnis was moved to a secluded ward where a closer eye could be kept on them for a longer period of time, while the idea of mass surgery was still being tossed around. By day twenty-two, Daphnis became scared to fall asleep, trying to reason that maybe if they just remained awake through the night, they could somehow cling onto one more day of memory. It was only when Daphnis-66 awoke that Panpipe demanded something happen. The doctors’ final decision was made and Daphnis’ faulty limbs were removed. The metal further under the skin was left mostly alone, with assurance that there were no nerves inside them. After an additional two months of physical therapy, and a pain management regiment was provided, Daphnis finally allowed back out into the city. A city still brand new to them.


But now wasn’t the time to reintroduce themselves. They had a message to reply to. Someone had been waiting over three months for them.

The pair met back up with Amanda. Daphnis thanked her for her patience, but she was asked for her patience to be extended just a little bit longer. He needed his ship back. After some back and forth and reassurance that he would be fine, Amanda gave him clearance. And off to Europa he shot.

Landing, Panpipe immediately received another call from the Cadmus Ridge. Apparently originating from Artemis, the pair were informed that she was in dire need of help. They were given a destination, and Daphnis was directed into Bray Exoscience.

But they were not the first to arrive on the scene. A lone entity stood in the foyer, eliminating Vex all around them with a sidearm and a precise eye. As bullets rained on an enemy almost getting the jump on them, they turned around to face Daphnis. An exo face met them, pulling down their hood once they jumped down from the raised platform.

“Howdy, I suppose Artemis called you here as well?” Their voice, while generally positive, had an undertone of exhaustion.

“Why yes, sorry, we’re quite late we imagine.”

“Nah, it’s alright, Artemis said someone else might contact us.” The exo introduced himself as Apollo, and his ghost as Sixteen. The team cleared out the rest of the Vex and Apollo led them further into the facility, explaining what this place was originally used for, and why he was here.


Etiam gravida sed odio accumsan egestas. Donec vitae neque pretium, dignissim turpis ornare, mattis diam. Curabitur vitae arcu rhoncus, pharetra turpis ac, condimentum arcu. Duis non neque sed arcu cursus porta. Sed egestas euismod tortor, quis iaculis tortor finibus nec. Phasellus interdum augue nulla, non vehicula nulla facilisis in. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam purus nisl, dictum a facilisis nec, efficitur in enim. Sed eu dolor vitae dui ullamcorper tincidunt eget sit amet ex. Nunc quis euismod diam. Aenean interdum ullamcorper nibh sit amet interdum. Morbi erat sapien, placerat ut rhoncus eget, hendrerit eget ipsum. Suspendisse elementum suscipit tristique. In eget tincidunt mauris, eget luctus dui. Curabitur fermentum varius purus, id lacinia velit.

Ut tempor nisl ut tempor pulvinar. Ut diam velit, cursus ac cursus eu, interdum quis tellus. In ut tellus sit amet ligula mollis euismod id ac nibh. Vestibulum commodo malesuada velit et imperdiet. Nulla non auctor lorem. Etiam eu nisl eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum arcu lorem, viverra sit amet quam non, sodales gravida augue.








Tactic Fire Bullets Fast

Attitude Calm and Quick

Distance Far

Weapon Autorifle

Fighting style

Daphnis’ fighting style consists of emptying magazines upon magazines of bullets into an enemy while dancing around them as fast as he can. He hates to leave enemies alive behind him, who knows when he’ll need to back track? And why would you leave someone alive who could sneak up on you?


  • Void
  • Crowd Control
  • Tight Spaces
  • Content


  • Distance
  • Tanky Enemies
  • Sudden Cliffs
  • Content


A bow and many arrows made of void light. Tether foes to a Void Anchor, slowing, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies.

Triple Jump


Upgrades Double Jump with an extra midair jump.

Marksman's Dodge
Class Ability


Dodge to perform a evasive maneuver with a steady hand. Dodging automatically reloads your weapon.

Scatter Grenade


A grenade that splits into multiple submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions.

Snare Bomb


Throw a Smoke Bomb, which attaches to surfaces and pings enemy radar. Weakens targets on detonation.

Stylish Executioner


(The boast which sucks the air from the room. Let your enemies know your might before you take them down.): Defeating a weakened, suppressed, or volatile target grants invisibility and Truesight. After performing a Stylish Execution, your next melee attack while invisible weakens targets. Fragment Slots (2)

Vanishing Step


(The wiles of a seasoned interlocutor; dodge any unwanted affronts and slip by unseen.): Dodging makes you invisible. Fragment Slots (2)

Echo of Reprisal


Final blows while surrounded by combatants grant Super Energy.

Echo of Leeching


Melee final blows start health regeneration for you and nearby allies; +10 Resilience.

Echo of Exchange


Melee final blows grant grenade energy.

Echo of Obscurity


Finisher final blows grant Invisibility; +10 Recovery.


Pain Medication


High quality pain medication prescribed by the tower ward in order to help with Daphnis’ chronic muscle and nerve pain. It doesn’t always help, so trips to hot springs are also highly recommended.



Daphnis’ autorifle. A very closely guarded item.

Void Helmet


A mostly clear helmet with metal around the base connecting it to the rest of the armour. When activated, void light fills the gap between the two layers of see-through material obscuring the face of the wearer but not the wearer’s vision.

Item Name


Item description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.



  • Daphnis is an inner satellite of Saturn. It is also known as Saturn XXXV; its provisional designation was S/2005 S 1. Daphnis is about 8 kilometers in diameter, and orbits the planet in the Keeler Gap within the A ring.
  • Daphnis is a genus of moths in the family Sphingidae first described by Jacob Hübner in 1819.


  • Daphnis currently has the same combat preference as I do in my own playthrough of Destiny.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • Daphnis avoids eye contact.
  • He feels more comfortable talking over radio because then people aren't looking at his face.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • His main design influences are Twice (MHA), Raiden (MGRR), and Magneto (MCU).
  • He is very gender for being a masc-passing individual who wears a face obscuring helmet constantly.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Their ghost. Daphnis’ constant companion. They can only sit in dread of a timeline where they didn’t have Panpipe, or worse, lost them somehow. Panpipe acts as their voice and their memory, it was there for Daphnis when they were at their lowest multiple different times. The pair have, obviously, gone through everything together, and they plan on going through everything else together.


A bodiless voice guiding him and others to their stolen history. Why is she doing this? What does she receive from helping others discover an unsettling past?


Someone else being guided to their past by Artemis. He was here first, and has been led on for much longer. After all, we received the call to action months ago, and he is no closer to his fate than us. He seems friendly enough, but his wavering trust in Artemis is surely a sign of what’s to come, right?


Yet one more person being guided by Artemis, but they already seem to have lost faith. They stand in the way and are openly hostile, though they haven’t hurt us, yet. What do they know that we don’t?


Write about the relationship here. This box will scroll on PC. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Write about the relationship here. This box will scroll on PC. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


Write about the relationship here. This box will scroll on PC. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.