Klifford (Kliff)



2 years, 2 days ago


Shadehunters OC.

  • NAME: Klifford (Kliff) 
  • AGE: 18 
  • Gender: Male 
  • Sexuality: Gay 
  • Species: Irish Red and White Setter 
  • Background: Night and day, Kliff spent his life with the wolves, and was protected by them. He could sense the mood of the wind, recognize a scent from miles away, and knew almost all applications of herbs and berries in the forests. He even spoke very little, only speaking in short phrases.  Later, he began using a new technique he learned from hunting game using the “matchbox” soles on his feet to ignite rocks, and create cryokinetic spheres out of them. This wowed his lupine peers. Kliff was being raised by wolves in the forest all his life before being found by a Black Widow named Wren. Kliff’s pack was attacked by bandits and many were murdered one day, which revealed the setter’s cryokinesis ability as he saved his kin and fought back. Wren acknowledged the canine’s abnormal speed, strength, and abilities before taking him under his wing, teaching him just about everything, including the English language. Wren recruited Kliff into his band of secret Shadehunters, the Shiranui, and taught him many things - how to walk on two legs and not four, how to eat using silverware, the list goes on. Enrolled in the Shiranui for quite some time, he now speaks English a bit fluently and works as the group’s klutzy receptionist. 
  • Personality: Kliff is very eccentric. He doesn’t have a formal education and charges headfirst into things recklessly. He definitely is your hypeman when he really respects you and supports you wholeheartedly if you manage to gain his trust. However, he is more of a scaredy-cat and a klutz more than anything. He gets anxious whenever he has to fight anything or try something new, and tries to back out of it.
  •  Powers/Abilities:
  • Cryokinesis: Self-explanatory. Kliff can manipulate ice and create constructs with them.  
  • Matter Types:  Cryo.
  • Miscellaneous: 5’9”. Inspired by Beam from Chainsaw Man and Junichiro Tanizaki from BSD. Has heterochromia.