


2 years, 19 days ago



Name Keiko
Age 50
Gender Female
Height 15ft
Occupation Astronomer
Affiliation Sequn
Sexuality Lesbian
Codename ElectricDoll #182

One day I will reach the stars!

Keiko is kind and gentle rubasyn morshin who enjoys stargazing, she's an astonomer who's fascinated with the stars.

She normally found in her observatory focusing on her research that she's very devoted too when she'e not there she can usually befound hanging out with friend Razzle who enjoys keeping her company when she's not able to do her research.


  • Space
  • Her Friends
  • Taking Notes
  • Her Research


  • Being bothered
  • Being Bored
  • Creepy Things
  • Dirty Places


Miyu was born to a wealthy rubasyn household in Tucruitora Capital, she excelled in school and was always taking notes so she was always ready for a test, she met the two trouble makers, Tensa and Keahi and they quickly became best friends, although she frequentely has to bail them out of trouble she developed a close relationship with the two Lefikas and they decided to form an adventuring group, when she was younger she realized she had a high aura and since then she's tried to use that gift to her advantage by helping her friends and other

Miyu is currently being taught rune magic by a Skywatcher named Cavro who's one of Keahi's ancestors, she took an interest in Miyu after noticing her high aura and offered to teach her how to use rune magic, so she receives lesson's from Cavro on how to use rune magic. She recently joined a crew on an aurora where she uses her notes and knowledge to help the others onboard.




Miyu's mate and adventuring partner when she's not aboard the Aurora she's usually hanging around with him and Keahi or their out adventuring together trying not to get themselves into trouble.



A close friend thanks to Tensa usually the sense of reason in the group but sometimes a troubelmaker too because of his timid nature Miyu finds him cute and wants help him as much as she can.



A skywatcher and one of Keahi's ancestors who took an interest in Miyu after sensing that she had a high aura and is now teaching her rune magic in her spare time.

code by 00Ishikawa00