Cameron (Cammie) Goduro



2 years, 21 days ago


a promising ballerina-in-training, with a twist: he’s a vampire! cammie was born in eposoro, shrouded safely in the eternal night of the city. always having been bouncy and girly, cammie has held fast to the very same interests and style he’s had since childhood. one would think he’s refused to grow up, but… it’s simply what makes him happy! he’s very much the pride of his family, and the first of them to be able to live an easy-going life following his dreams. or, well, easy-going… one would hardly call rigorous physical dance training easy-going, but he makes it look easy!

cammie met his girlfriend while on tour, and the two were so quickly infatuated, joe moved in with him in his hometown astoundingly quick. somewhere, cammie knows that she simply was looking for an excuse to leave her stifling home, and a cute girl was a convenient way out… but he doesn’t really care! the two are hideously in love, and cammie’s overall gentleness and distinguished demeanor have awakened an unexpected chivalry in the otherwise thoroughly uncouth joe. you’d almost say this princess of a woman has cast some sort of spell on her!