Tibby (Anathema)



1 year, 10 months ago


  • Tibby

  • 191003_sharktoberfest_1200x900.jpg?itok=
  • species suid
  • backgroundwild mage
  • age 26
  • height 6hh


*insert Jaws theme song*


  • Volatile, Expressive, Gullible - At the mercy of her emotions, whatever she's feeling shows prominently on Tibby's face. Prone more to whining than arguing. A heart-on-the-sleeve type of person, this extends to her perception of other people, and she's easily manipulated by a sob story, true or not.
  • Quirky, Simple, Creative - Tibby speaks in third person. She is illiterate, uncomplicated, and a little slow. While she lacks the mental finesse of a scholar, she makes up for it by being uniquely good at art. Commonly creates driftwood masterpieces and shell art for her own amusement. Will someday cover herself in tattoos, when she can find money for it.

WC: 109


Born to simple dock hands, Tibby had existed by the sea since he very beginning. For a long time, she lived as a hidden mage, unaware of any magical potential. As she aged, it was clear there was a spark in her: she stretched and grew slowly into a wrong sort of shape. A Sharkish Shape. Elated at the potential for their daughter to become a mage, the family sent her to appear before the order. She was, very quickly, rejected. For despite her sharkish look, Tibby couldn't muster any sort of magical response... perhaps just her form itself was the magic? Young Tibby was worried about returning to her family with news of the rejection. In a stroke of genius, she devised a plan: Lie! And so Tibby did just that, claiming to her parents that she had in fact been accepted into the Order, and needed to begin learning right away. They gave her some provisions and sent Tibby off to Faline... or so they thought. Tibby instead moved to the sea-side town over, and maintains the lie in order to keep her parents happy and proud. She makes time to visit them at least once a month, and usually tells the same story with a few simple twists. Whether they buy it or not, we can't be sure. But Tibby thinks they must! She takes odd jobs here and there in order to sustain herself. It not uncommon to find her sleeping in the shallows under docks, or in barrels of fish when she can't afford a room at the inn. As far as Tibby knows or can remember, she's never done any magic once in her whole entire life...

WC: 283

  Feeding Frenzy   

Power 05


Cost 03


Tibby's magic ability, named Feeding Frenzy, increases her size and strength. This includes the size and strength of her teeth, which become metallic and can bite through tough materials. She can consume unusual things with no side effects (wood, metal, etc.). She has a heightened sense of smell, and lateral lines that allow her to sense vibrations, increasing her reaction times. Her hulking beastly shark form will give her various other boons as she grows in power. Currently she has no way of consciously activating her magic, or of recognizing friend from foe while in her Feeding Frenzy. Perhaps this would change with an increase in Discipline.


  • Magic slightly impairs the caster's memory, so that they may not remember using it, or be confused afterward (2) 
    • Tibby doesn't remember anything that occurs while her magic is activated
  • Magic use fatigues the caster (1)
    • Post-frenzy, Tibby falls immediately asleep

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