


6 years, 6 months ago


|| Basic Information ||

Name: Spiderspeckle

Name History:
Spiderkit, Spiderpaw
Gender: Gender ♂ 

Clan: Ridge Clan

Age: 24 moons old

Ex - Rank: Warrior of Ridge Clan

Rank / Star Clan: Verified Star Clan member

|| Physical Information ||

Book Description: A small, plump tawny tom with piercing dark green eyes

Fur Length: Short 

Pelt Texture: Smooth

Breed: American Short hair

Eye Color: Dark green

Pawpad Colors: Pink with darker pink spots

Weight: Plump

Height: Lanky and tall

|| Sexuality Information ||

Orientation: Straight

Activity: Non-Virgin

Turn On(s):

  1. ✔  Adventurous 
  2. ✔ Curious and affectionate
  3. ✔ Protective and very loyal

Turn Off(s):

  1. ✘ Panic's easily
  2. ✘ Judgemental towards certain cats
  3. ✘ Overprotective towards family

|| Family ||


| Father's Side || 
Father || Rockfall || A black and white tom with blue eyes || Male || Deceased; Killed by being crushed from rock's falling ||

Paternal Grandmother || Redtail || A russet fur she-ca with dark black paws and a black tail mixed with white and brown splotches with piercing green eyes || Female || Alive; Currently located: Pine Clan's Elder's den || 

Paternal Grandfather || Fernshade || A black and white spotted tom with blue eyes || Male || Deceased; Died from being hit by a car when running from a battle with Shallow Clan ||

| Mother's Side || 
Mother || Moonflower || A dark blue she-cat with dark grey splotches and white paws and a dark blue tail, ears and muzzle with piercing blue eyes || Female || Deceased; Died in a battle with a Shallow Clan warrior named; Frostfur ||

Maternal Grandmother || Stormtail || A light blue and grey she-cat with dark blue-ish grey ears, tail, front paws and white muzzle, chest and tail tip with amber eyes || Female || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's warrior den || 

Maternal Grandfather || Oakfur || A brown tom with amber eyes || Male || Deceased; killed in a battle with a Pine Clan warrior named: Moonstalk || 

| Siblings |

Snowfur || A grey she-cat with blue eyes || Female || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's nursery ||

Robinwing || A russet fur tom with black paws, white muzzle and white spot on left eye with one single blue eye and one single green eye || Female || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's warrior's den ||

Flowerpaw || A brown she-cat with dark brown tabby stripes with amber eyes and a broken tail || Female || Deceased; Died from Adder's posion ||

| Nieces + Nephews |

Snowfur's kit || Cloudkit || A small white tom with blue eyes but is deaf in both ears || Male || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's nursery ||

Snowfur's kit || Whitekit || A light grey she-cat with blue eyes || Female || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's nursery ||

Robinwing's kit || Duskpaw || A dark brown she-cat with dark black paws, tail, ears and stripes down her sides with a white underbelly, muzzle, chest and piercing amber eyes || Female || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's apprentice den ||

Robinwing's kit || Newtpaw || A black tom with darker black paws, tail and ears with piercing blue eyes || Male || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's apprentice den ||

Robinwing's kit || Blackpaw || A black tom with piercing golden-amber eyes || Male || Alive; Current Location: Ridge Clan's apprentice den ||

Robinwing's kit || Swiftpaw || A black tom with darker black ears and tail with piercing amber || Male || Deceased; Died in a battle with a Shallow Clan warrior named; Frostfur ||

| Mate(s) | 


| Ex - Mate(s) | 

Ashstrike ||  Grey cat with darker grey and white markings mixed with a few white spots with piercing blue eyes || Female || Alive; Current Location: Lives near the mountains as a Rogue / Loner || 

| Kit(s) |

Stormstrike || A plump grey tom with darker grey ears, tail, paws and chest fur with amber eyes || Male || Alive; Current Location: Lives in Dusk Clan ||

Featherleap || A lanky white tom witha long black tail and black ears with a a sort of grey mask around his eyes with piercing blue eyes || Male || Alive; Current Location: Lives in Dusk Clan ||

Frostkit || A small snow white she-cat with piercing blue eyes || Female || Deceased; Died from green cough ||

Redkit || A scrawny tawny tom with blue eyes || Male || Deceased; Stillborn ||

|| Deputies ||

|| Succeeded by - Deputy || 
Hailfreeze || A black tom with blue eyes || Male || Alive; Currently Located; Pine Clan's Warrior's Den ||

|| Preceded by - Deputy || 
Blueberry || A gorgeous blue she-cat who had piercing ice blue eyes || Female || Alive; Currently Located; Pine Clan's Nursery ||

|| Leader's ||

|| Preceded by - Leader || 
Hollystar || A gorgeous black she-cat who had piercing ice blue eyes || Female || Dead; Currently Located; StarClan ||

|| Succeeded by - Leader || 
Hailstar || A black tom with blue eyes || Male || Alive; Currently Located; Pine Clan's Leader's Den ||

|| Education ||

Mentor: Reedfern

Ex-Apprentice: Goldensparrow, runningfeather (Gained mentorship when Runningpaw was 9 moons old) 

|| Personality ||

[ x ] Good || [ 0 ] Neutral || [ / ] Flaws

[ x ] || Trait || Courageous
[ x ] || Trait || Protective
[ x ] || Trait || Caring

[ 0 ] || Trait || Annoyed by strangers
[ 0 ] || Trait || Over-protective
[ 0 ] || Trait || Regrets hurting his ex - mate

[ / ] || Trait || Angered easily by nearly everyone he sees
[ / ] || Trait || Doesn't like being hurt by others
[ / ] || Trait || Doesn't like that his kits hates him

|| Backstory ||

When Spiderkit was born, he was amongst a litter of four; his siblings, Flowerkit, Snowkit and Robinkit. He was the runt of the litter, however it didn't mean his parents didn't love him any less in fact it made them love him even more for being a runt since that meant he survived. Growing up he was often bullied by Robinkit and Snowkit whilst Flowerkit stayed in the back away from her tormenting siblings, however this didn't stop Spiderkit from standing up for himself; one day when he was three moons old he tumbled out of the nursery den into the middle of Ridge Clan's camp and he was in awe of his surrounding's, whilst he was looking around in awe he wasn't aware he was being watched by the leader and deputy; Pikestar and Hollyfern, they watched in interest and amusing at this kits little awed face. A few moments of the Spiderkit looking around he was called back into the nursery by his mother, Moonflower who purred in amusement at her son's awed face when he padded back into the den. He proclaimed he was excited to become a warrior someday.

When it became time for Spiderkit to become Spiderpaw, tragedy struck when his father Rockfall was crushed in a rock fall, his mother Moonflower mourned deeply for the loss of her mate but she knew she had to be strong for her kits so she was; In return Spiderkit became known as Spiderpaw and he became protective of his destroyed and mourning family, but he was over the moon when he found out his mentor was Reedfern a senior warrior of Ridge Clan; Reedfern consistently told Spiderpaw that it wasn't anyone's fault that Rockfall died. He said it could of happened to any cat, it just took time and that Rockfall was in the wrong place at the wrong time as well. After that conversation Spiderpaw knew he had to focus on his training to become a proud warrior of Ridge Clan. One moon at a gathering he came face to face with a Pine Clan apprentice named; Ashpaw. He was in awe of her beauty and couldn't help but ask her if she'd meet up with him once a moon or maybe two moon's, in return Ashpaw accepted his request to meet up. After meeting up with Ashpaw nearly four times; more tragedy struck when his littermate Flowerpaw died from being bit by a Adder; he and his family mourned painfuly since Flowerpaw was there main sturdy rock. 

After meeting Ashpaw one moon, he was told by Ashpaw that her name was now Ashstrike a proud warrior of Pine Clan. When she said that it brought a bang of pain to him since he loved this she-cat yet she was from another Clan and proud of it too.

When Spiderpaw became known as Spiderspeckle, he can remember looking at his siblings, no longer apprentices but known as Spiderspeckle, Robinwing and Snowfur; he puffed up with beaming pride and looked straight at his mother, Moonflower who had tears in her eyes but smiling the biggest smile he'd only seen her do when his father Rockfall was alive and with them. One night after a gathering he met up with Ashstrike and told her his feelings and that he wanted to be mates with her; she accepted and told him she loved him too. He was beaming even more with pride than ever before, he was thrilled knowing the she-cat he loved - loved him too! Before long two moons passed by, when he approached Ashstrike at there usual meeting spot she told him she was expecting his kits; outraged he snarled at her stating she was nothing more than a toy to be played with and those kits we're not his and he would kill them before he proclaimed he was there father. When he realised what he done it was too late the damage was done; he was startled when three moons later Ashstrike appeared... with two kits. When she told them who the father was Hollystar demanded an explanation of what happened, Ashstrike told them the simple story of how it happened; Hollystar demanded answers from Spiderspeckle in the middle of the camp in front of his Clanmates, when he said yes but it was a mistake it caused Ashstrike to snarl in rage and say "I lost two of our kits because of my so called family and mate!" Hollystar turned to Ashstrike and asked her what she wanted, she said she wanted her kits to live in a Clan but she will not join any Clan not again. That startled Hollystar as she considered for a few moments on what to do, her deputy Blueberry padded forward and said she'd nurse the kits.

Hollystar frowned then stated after a few moments, "We'll teach you're kits how to be true Ridged Clan warriors, not Pine Clan traitors or scum. Understand?" Spiderspeckle watched as the she-cat he loved nodded and said goodbye to there - no her kits. His heart broke when he heard the kits begging there mother to come back but she just kept running. When he asked the kits what there names where, they simple snarled and said "Why should we tell you Ridge Clan sum!" When Hollystar demanded their names, they said there names were Featherkit and Stormkit. Over time he watched his kits become known as; Featherpaw, Stormpaw then known as Featherleap and Stormstrike. He was beyond proud of his kits even though they hated him for what he done to them, there siblings and mother. He even watched his kits abandon the Clan they grew up in to find there mother, they made him realise who could give it up for his family. 

Yet he didn't. He stayed, he would not see his kits or Ashstrike again for a long time.

He became deputy after Hollystar died and Blueberry became known as Bluestar, she sensed he regret what he done all those moons ago and choose him to the next deputy to the utter rage of some of there clanmates seeing as in there eyes he was still a traitor to the Clan.

Spiderspeckle becomes known as Spiderstar after the death of Hollystar's deputy, Blueberry became leader and lost all of her nine lives in battle from being split open by a pack of rogue's. However died before receiving his nine lives, his next deputy was Hailfreeze.