


2 years, 3 months ago


Name - Horace

Species - Seahorsefolk

Age - 32


Occupation - Employee at AquaTech, Tech Department

Birthday - ???

Personality - A humble and easygoing fella, Horace is a kindly family man that just wants to make a living. Normally he stays out of any weird stuff that goes on around him since he just wants to do his job, but is still willing to lend a hand now and then if asked.



- Single dad of three kids. he loves them dearly. their names are Randell [dark purple], Heloise [light purple] and Holly [baby].

- Amicably divorced from his wife Rita, they split when their kids where only babies. she lives across from his home. they still keep in touch and she takes care of the kids when he's at work. He cares for her a lot but it sometimes feels she can come off as careless at times.

- As a seahorsefolk he's had to deal with constant questions about what carrying his kids was like, which he hates since he just wants to go about his day in peace.

- Not interested in being in another relationship, kinda too focused on what he has now to look for one.