Fishman D. Samenagi



2 years, 14 days ago


Name: Fishman D. Samenagi
Epithet: "Eel Eater" Samenagi
Half fishman

Theme Song: Ain't No Sunshine - Shawn James (Bill Withers cover)

Position: Commando
Crew: Strawhat Pirates
Devil Fruit: Grass Grass fruit (kusa kusa no mi) - the user can manipulate grass of any kind, including rapidly growing, sharpening, and even hardening grass. Awakened devil fruit abilities allow the user to turn parts of their body into grass.
Due to being half fishman, she can breath underwater however she still cannot swim anymore. 
Age: 20-22

Height: 5'7" ft (170 cm)
Abilities: Devil fruit powers, exceptional sense of smell and hearing, inhuman strength and reflexes, incredibly sharp bite
Pre-Timeskip Same is off put and cold, trying to hide her feelings from others. At first, the crew think she is a jerk and don't like her, but Luffy tells them that the only reason Same was being rude was to keep them away from her so they would be safe - despite her wanting to become friends with them.

Significant Other: x Roronoa Zoro

Story: Samenagi was raised in a small group of fishmen who went away from fishman island. Her parents were not good and the surroundings were war torn and starving, the group never had enough food to go around and the waters were always rough. When Same was a child her parents were much to rough on her, making her calloused far before her time and because of this she decided to run away. She swam away from the island but eventually was attacked by a group of sea kings and was thrown to the shore of a beachy island. The island was inhabited with animals of all kinds, being as curious of the animals as they were of her, Same was taken in by the animals and began to see them as a makeshift family. Within this large group of animals were a group of rather intelligent monkeys who sometimes developed speech and were able to communicate via sign language. Samenagi finds Rox during this time, a monkey deemed crazy by the rest and outcast to the edge of the island. Samenagi understands Rox because she too was considered an outcast of her family and so the two bond. Rox is one of these intelligent monkeys and he begins to tell her all of the things he learned in his youth - specifically things about the celestial dragons and the will of D. The island is eventually attacked when the marines learn that one animal on the island has information they shouldn't, but Same and Rox flee on a spare ship from the marines and barely escape.
When they reach their next island, they find a war torn country. People are starving and most are dying in wars they didn't want to fight in. It infuriates Same and Rox, to see these people suffering under a ruler who didn't care about them. The two tried to help as many people as they could, bringing them food and Same making grass to help grow crops and plants. Rox tended to wounds and Same would sometimes take the civilians place in fighting so they would not get injured. After some time, Same and Rox were caught by guards and brought to the leader who wanted to strike up a deal with them - if the two would work for him, he would make sure the people were safe and fed. Instantly, Same agreed as she as Rox shared the same dream - to never want to see another innocent person scared and starving again.
A few years later is when the Strawhat pirates come to the area. Same protects Luffy from the wrath of the guards after he insulted them unknowingly and rudely told the younger boy to leave and never come back. Luffy didn't listen and brought the rest of his crew into the town to eat and explore, they met Same at a bar who shouted at Luffy and told him to stay away. Luffy told her she would join his crew, and Same poured her drink on him. The crew was angry, ready to fight, but Luffy told them that Same had a good heart and was protecting them and explained the situation which occurred when they first arrived. The crew is confused, but decided since Luffy was determined to have the girl on their crew they would have no choice but to help. The learn that the people in the lower levels are starving, unhappy, and suffering under the hand of the ruler. All the lower level citizens hate Same, thinking she left to get a luxury lifestyle and left them to suffer - only a few of them believed that she was a good person. Luffy and the crew approach Samenagi and forcibly bring her with them, showing her and Rox how the lower level citizens were living. Same and Rox are horrified, and Same falls to her knees and cries at what she has done. When the people see her, they are angry and approach and the Strawhat crew are ready to step in. However, Same bows fully and smacks her head on the floor, loudly yelling that she doesn't deserve their forgiveness or kindness and that she deserves to die for what she has done. The people are floored, but begin to accept her again. After this, she agrees to join Luffy's crew and they go and defeat the ruler residing over the town.

- Post-timeskip she wears clothes resembling Franky's pre-timeskip style.
- Same is the brawler of the team, when people get in her crews way she blows them sky high.
- While she isn't as naïve as Luffy, Same has a rather strange way of looking at things due to being isolated as a child.
- During the timeskip, Same is sent to an island completely ravaged and abandoned - the only things left are savage animals, dense mountains and caves, and the ruins of old buildings. Deep in one of the caves Same finds various animals which have perfected the arts of various styles of fighting.
- Despite not knowing sign language, Same and Rox developed their own language without using speech.
- Rox is Samenagi's closest companion, despite not being able to fight with her.