


2 years, 22 days ago




Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny
This one's for all you rock'n'rollers
All you crash queens and motor babies
Listen up!

NAME Bobby Jackson
ALIAS Bobby LeRoux
AGE 35 (48)
GENDER Cisgender Woman

CLAN Daughters of Cacophany
SECT Independent



Six feet deep ain't enough for me
Got no sleep, shot of gasoline
Back in black, I'm running free
I lose myself, I lose myself

WITS ◆◆◆

Formerly known as Barbara Jordet, legally known as Bobby Jackson, and known on stage as Bobby LeRoux, this belting beauty has gone through stages in her life defined by names and by music. A sound that changed from age to age let her build her own motifs by force, and carved with deliberate self concern. Neglected upbringing, angry teenage years, an adult life more frightened than she'd have ever liked. However, past the unapolagetic will and unbending confidence and lingering paranoia is a woman who quite simply likes to enjoy herself.

When not (really rather truthfully) maintaining her reputation as a cool and untouchable rock band frontwoman, she can be found enjoying quiet moments alone, learning new recipes or practicing an instrument to her dog. Or less quietly attending an indie industrial band's gig in an unpermitted warehouse somewhere. Either way, she can't be all rock'n'roll bitch queen all the time.

Despite her typically deadpan and dry nature, Bobby can be quite loyal and protective over those she decides to give a shit about. That number of people isn't high, mind you, but it is something. Rather than icing out and acting aloof in excess, Bobby is only somewhat cold and distant when she grows to like you. Of course, she'll always value her privacy and holding respect from others, but that's a desire she's not compromising on anytime soon.

Kill of the night - 3:25

Kill of the night - 3:25

The street's a liar
I'm gonna lure you into the dark
My cold desire
To hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart

Born to Martha and Collins Jordet, Barbara had a privileged and lucky upbringing. She was surrounded by a big house with big walls and driven to her big private school in a big car by a big woman who was paid big money by her big father to pay big attention to the girl. Because, of course, he had better things to do.

The old 'My daddy never paid attention to me and always insisted i succeed' cry may be common- even if the permutation where things are thrown at you and you're locked out of your big house and sleep under the stars in your big yard for not living up to big expectations at the big age of seven isn't as common- but it is was no less true for this particular little rich girl than many others. Martha wasn't a help, too fearful for herself and stuck equally with the idea that her daughter might've merited such treatment anyways to do anything about the behavior. This with a retail therapy addiction soothed by her own parents' money meant the woman had just as little time for her worrisome child as her spouse.

Wonder of wonders, Barbara grew up. She went through puberty, lost her taste for gentle folk songs but kept the guitar, and started looking for more rebellious places to give energy to, as upset teenagers are wont to do. She went on to make friends outside of school, start a garage rock band, spend weekends out under the guise of club-buddy sleepovers and evenings under the guise of study. She inked 'Dynamite For Free' onto white T-shirts for the gang to wear out, she started sneaking into bars and parties, started spending less time isolated in friends' garages and more time out and about town- by sixteen, she was fed up enough that when her parents so proudly announced their second expenctancy, she'd fumed and snapped and screamed. By seventeen, she had tattoos and angsty songs written and pinned passive-aggresively to the front door to match her screaming matches with her mother and her throwing arm grown to match her father's. By eighteen, she was damn good and ready to get the hell out of dodge. Unluckily for her, teenagers rarely get the long end of the stick. Her merry band of ne'er-do-wells fell victim to teenage friend groups' greatest rival; out-of-state post-secondary education. And also petty squabbles they were too immature at the time to sort out. Her relationship with her family was sundered. Any hope she'd held out for her parents learning or apologizing was seemingly funneled into the toddler trundling around, who recieved more tenderness than Babs ever thought there was room for in that house.

She hadn't meant to run away alone, originally. But the only person she'd had left to think to ask had said no, and then it was out of her hands, and then she was gone. Earthly belongings all packed into a nice car and peeling away from town, she would eventually find her way to Houston, Texas, where she would ration out the cash she'd siphoned from her parents before leaving and play the streets and at small openings.

It was luck that got Babs spotted by Helen Blakely. Good or bad, she still has no idea, but luck of some sort. A Vampire, a Kindred, looking to handpick out a childe. After all, a cunning independently aligned vampire will tell you that there's safety to be found in loyalty and promise. And immortality and power is quite a grand and tempting promise to make.

After a few weeks of repeated patronage and a very charitable offer to connect Babs with a few venues she was connected with, Helen made her offer. Babs accepted. She doesn't remember well the first few days after her embrace, though the sanguine flashes of newfound euphoria and purpose remain unwantedly bright spots in her skull.

She wasn't to know at the time the depths of the complex and idiotic web of politics spun in the night, the hungry grabs at power and territory. All Babs knew was what she was shown by the charitable parental figure who wished only to see her succeed in the world.

Helen didn't participate in the world of the sects, she had always said. Preferred to keep her distance, uninvolved and unseen, as was safest. Looked out for her and hers. Her few existing childer who she watched close under her wing stayed nearby, within a couple states. Close enough to keep watch.

It wasn't until a few years of swift upwards flight in the local music scene and curious border-pushing of newfound abilities that anything of note happened. Helen embraced another childe, a girl called Lila, sweet thing with a crooning voice and bandaged hands. (Bit of a pain to be embraced with open cuts. She never had to keep them, Bobby never understood, but she's since grown to be of the mind that perhaps the girl simply wanted to look delicate.)

Like Babs, Helen had sought to showcase the delights of unlife to Lila without delving so thoroughly into the 'tenser' sides of things. The girl learned vaguely of vampiric history and sects, but as per Helen's tendencies, not as much as she was interested to. More than once she suggested to Helen that it may be a good idea to ingratiate themselves to one side or the other, to try to at least have some standing somewhere, but ever-stubborn Helen declined. Babs was inclined to agree with their sire and mentor. Now, Lila and Babs being the only of the woman's childer to live in the same city meant they saw one another quite often, and due to the nature of their differing perspectives, did as sensible vampires did when annoyed with one another; make personal digs and trade rib-cracking blows when things get heated. Nothing unusual for petty rivalry.

Almost a year passed since Lila's embrace before Babs had recieved a message from a retainer of Helen's (along with the others she'd sired) that Helen had gotten into a rough fight with a small local group of Camarilla folks. Less than an hour after, a second message about the fight's resolution and no longer calling for assistance from those Helen had brought closer expressly to maintain her own safety.

But Babs, a loyal fool, found herself concerned. Found herself unlucky enough to come into Helen's home to find the woman's weakened and bent body in Lila's arms, stinking crimson waving red flags of base-level kindred social rulings.

She never did get a better look at the other silhouettes that had been standing casually in that room. It was on feral instinct that she fled, outnumber and without aid.

Once more she ran, and once more she landed, this time in a west coast town called Alta Vista. Once more she clawed herself a place in local music scenes, buying a new identity with everything she'd had left at the time and fighting hard to only be seen in one very particular way. With a bit of help from her vampiric blood, she's built a quite decent footholdand has managed to end up with a damn good little name for herself. A new band formed, two albums out, a damn good record deal; A nice, big house with high-end security systems and a larger than normal hound keeping an ear out at all times. She takes time to meet with a handful of very stupid groupies after shows to feed when she can't find the right type of person at a bar. Bobby's made a damn good third chance for herself, and continues to do damn well not to piss anybody else off.

Not too much, at least.



There's a sonic revelation bringing me to my knees
And there's a man down below who needs my sympathy
I got a ringin' in my ears gettin' ready to burst
Screaming hallelujah motherfucker, take me to church

  • Crowds
  • Confrontation
  • Tight pants
  • Peaches (The fruit)
  • Peaches (Her dog)

  • Feather pillows
  • Being followed
  • Vulnerability
  • Hiking
  • Airplanes

  • Playlist
  • Pinboard
  • Her band is named The Streissand Defect.
  • Is mildly sad about (most) animals being unable to stand being near her, but wouldn't admit that.
  • There's at least one weapon in every room of her house.
  • Has a dog named Peaches; a huge, gray, furry mutt of indeterminate breed. Yes, she's a ghoul.



I'm a raring bullet in a box of empty shells, go on,
Pull the trigger, pull it
Bite the pin and leather for hell


Five foot seven without heels, Bobby has a broad-shouldered and thin-waisted build and pale skin only made paler post-mortem. Her strength is owed to her vampirism rather than any pre-turning lifestyle, and physically is much softer than she cares for. She has a stylized floral tatto around her neck like a choker, and inch-and-a-half thick band of roses and leaves. She has two eyebrow piercings on her left brow, and numerous asymmetrical ear piercings.

Bobby's hair is dyed silver, and she spends time after waking up every night to dip-dye it in cheap grape koolaid 9despite being well able to afford something nicer) to give it a faint faded color towards the bottom. Her eyes are red, though they were brown, once.

She tends to wear punk-rock type clothing, sticking to studs and spikes and leather and denim. Most outfits are built on monochrome, though there are pops of color showing up in her closet every here and there.

Other than the stylized rose, leaf, and thorn collar tattoo around her neck, she's inked in three other places; a rose just under her left breast, it's stem horizontal and opposite her shoulder, and two identical black bands around her ankles that she got when she was a somewhat edgier teenager with less restraint for her contempt and thought it would be cool to symbolize the way society weighed her down. If you ask, though, it's just because she thought it looked good. (It does.)

  • Main reference
  • Piercing reference
  • Fangs and pallid skin tone. Because of the whole vampire thing.
  • Neck tattoo doesn't have to be exact recreation, so long as theres some roses and leaves with some negative space in between you've got the idea.
  • Hair can be colored with or without the purple fade. Her body resets every night, and while most nights she redyes it, she may not always have the time.



'Cause a good song never dies
It just remins you of where you were
The first time it made you cry, the first time you felt alive
No, a good song never-

November Kenridge childhood friend

The whole world against you
You give everything
Sometimes I think of doing terrible things
I know I shouldn't think it but I do anyway

A distant childhood friend. Misery loves company, and so too does a sad little rich girl love sad little rich girls. Unfortunately, not every little rich girl is so brave or stupid as to run away. Barbara offered a seat in her car. The girl halfway through the window said no. That's the whole story.


I resent you for being raised right
I resent you for being tall
I resent you for never getting any
Opposition at all

The second daughter of the Jordets, born sixteen late years after the first. It isn't her fault that her frightened parents had treated her with more love than her sister thought they were capable of; That every time her father spoke in hushed tones about his eldest, melancholy and regretful, she was compelled to hate the woman who abandoned her family; That she is studious and ambitious and outgoing and the perfect, beloved daughter. Bobby has spent decades trying not to hate her for it. (She doesn't always succeed.)

Lila Owens "sister"

If you wanna go, this is how it goes
If you wanna roll, heads are gonna roll
If you wanna play, we can play all day
But we play- Play dirty- Play dirty

Childe to Helen Blakely alongside Bobby, embraced within six months of her, and diablerist of their shared mentor. The last time Bobby saw her was over Helen's twice-killed body. Whether or not her fear of the woman is justified, Bobby has framed her life around the paranoia instilled by that moment, the ghost of the extent of Lila's unknown intentions an ever-present threat. Is that, then, a haunting of the dead, by the dead?


I'm a fool for thinking there was a shot
The game was rigged right from the start
But still I need to play,
To go along,

Promised second chances that blew over poorly. Bobby's sire, now murdered, who had been so keen on showing her what death had to offer. Whether it was ignorance of overconfidence that killed her, the fact remains that she is the reason for Bobby's continued state of existence in the grand kindred race to Hell. The deliberateness of the decision to omit the vast empire of politics wasn't clear until long after Bobby's embrace. However, any complex emotion about the subject will, of course, remain unresolved.