


2 years, 14 days ago


Name: Jequirity Pronouns: She/her Flavour Text: An expert in mixing poisons and similar weapons, Jeq’s something of a mad scientist. If something explodes, she’s probably behind it, intentionally or otherwise. She used to act as something of a criminal for hire, along with Jab-tail, before moving on to bigger and better things. She might seem sweet and sort of ditzy at first, but behind that deceptively flirtatious demeanour is a wickedly sharp mind. Design notes: Feel free to simplify her costume! She has a little mask she wears for mixing chemicals you can draw her in too, pictured beside her main ref. Attack prompts: Some ideas that might help with inspiration for her are as follows - she has a motif of glowing orange butterflies, in lore she uses them to make weapons because their wings are super reactive but they’re also just really fun to add in as set dressing - There’s a point in the story where she goes to a masquerade ball. That’s it, if you drew her in like a fancy eye mask and ball gown type thing I think I’d actually cry - in general it’d be cool to see her tinkering with things, or holding steampunk-y weapons and what have you. Obviously you don’t have to do any of those, but if you’re stuck for ideas they might help!