


【 Name 】 Elowen Minkin 【 Called 】 Elah
【 Age 】 19 【 D.o.B. 】 December 8th
【 Gender 】 Female 【 Orientation 】 Bisexual
【 Height 】 Small 【 Build 】 Muscular
【 Origin 】 idk yet 【 Ethnicity 】 Songrem
【 Role 】 idk yet 【 Alignment 】 idk yet
【 Status 】 With Björk 【 Theme 】 Teen Idle

Midori is a soft hearted lady who comes from the ocean of Clearbush, Icemagie.

She was originally born to the sea, a mermaid. Her back was the same as a betta fish. It was silky, smooth, and elegant. She often spent time on the sea floor collecting shells to put in her hair. It felt boring for her though. She longed for adventure, but the rules of the sea were their may never be more of one thing than created. Meaning, if she wanted to enter the land, someone else would have to become a mermaid. With little friends, this is difficult. When she met the small elven boy,href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCl1PsVK-E8&feature=youtu.be"> Cephas , her world lit up. Using his magic, the two swaped places.

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