


2 years, 22 hours ago


-Ethan Dagger-


+ Ethan is a wolf.

+ Ethan is calm and very introverted. He can be considered cold by outsiders, but if you get to know him he's sweet and kind and if you talk of one of his interests, they can ramble on about it for hours.

+ Ethan likes bugs, music, blueberry muffins, banana bread muffins, coffee, warm teas, bird watching, dark sweaters, black, semi-formal wear, chains, playing guitar, bug taxidermy, sunrises and sunsets.

+ Ethan is a demi-boy and identifies as demisexual.

+ Ethan is in a relationship with Crow.

+ They ran into eachother birdwatching at the beach. They talked about the birds and bugs they saw there. Later they watched the sunset together. Afterwards, they went to get warm tea and talked about their interests for hours. They talked all the way until the restaurant closed. They continued to meet up after that time to watch birds, play music, or just to get tea together.

+ Ethan’s birthday is October 30th.

+ Ethan is a bug taxidermist and also plays guitar in local cafes.

+ Ethan is overall healthy. He does struggle with body image issues and anxiety though.