Felidae August



2 years, 2 days ago


Batter for the Minor League Blaseball team the Echo Park Fricassees, located in Echo Park, Los Angeli. A maniac pixie dream catgirl / catboy (nongendered). This is?? Probably what normal catboys are like?? Four eyes, purple fur, capable of levitation, capable of creating hardlight constructs, works on cartoon physics... yeah, catboys can normally do that, right? And the whole thing where if you spend time around them, you're more likely to end up in contrived circumstances that make you a catperson -- also very normal.

Absolutely just fucking godawful at baserunning. Loves to try and steal bases. Cannot steal bases. Equipped with a Chaotic Glass Necklace of Entanglement that makes them objectively worse at splorts and that they have somehow refused to break for 10+ seasons running. An Undertaker, a Negative, and... Mild...? 

(In truth: a descendant god. A piece of the Entity called the Catalyst, who decided that getting to know the players - instead of seeing them like ants, chess pieces, too small to really individually matter - was important. They've locked off their own knowledge of what they really are and covered that hole in their memory with notice-me-nots, aggressively normalizing it; if they ever really remember, then everything will change forever, and they don't want that. They're happy here, even so blind.

The Catalyst is still doing their job off in their league, of course. Entities function on a lot of levels! Splitting a chunk of yourself off and sending it to the Minor Leagues is weird but by no means taking them out of commission.)