Tibbie πŸ”’'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

sequiem Global Rules

Design TOS

I am actively working on a formal document with my design TOS but I will be using this in the meantime.

"My design" = simply a character which I created - doesn't have to be in my ownership to be considered my design ^^

You can do any of the following with any of my designs which you own:

  • Use them in any kind of SFW art, roleplay, or other media.
  • Create gore, body horror, etc. of them as long as it is not fetishized, any deplorable content is not romanticized, and the content is not sexual
  • Give them any kind of personality or backstory, including an irredeemable/deplorable one, as long as any deplorable content is not romanticized or glorified in any manner and the design is not made sexually degenerate. For example, you may make a design of mine a serial killer, but you may NOT glorify or romanticize murder/serial killers through them or their backstory.
  • Link them with other OCs.
  • Kin them or use them as a comfort character.
  • Redesign them (as long as they remain recognizable to the original design), change their species, and/or give them alternate forms
  • Make the character a part of any original species. (please ask first!)
  • If the character is from an original species: void the character w/o needing my permission so long as the species in question allows it. If they require written proof for permission to void, screenshot this passage.
  • Add, remove, or change any accessories you want as long as they are SFW.
  • Trade them after my trade cooldown wears off. **My trade cooldown is 2 weeks after acquisition of the design.**
  • Give them away w/o anything in return at any point if you lose connection to them [I don't gave a gifting cooldown at this time. Don't be the reason I have to set one.]
Please don't do any of the following with my designs, even if you own them:
  • Make or take part in any form of lewd, sexual, or fetishistic art, roleplay, or similar material.
  • Use them or their art for any form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
  • Use them or their art to train any kind of AI-generated imagery program (I do not refer to such programs as "AI-art" programs).
  • Make the design itself into an original species concept without discussing it with me in advance.
  • Make the design an off-brand/unofficial member of an original species (I have no issues with offbrand designs, I just do not want my one-offs turned into them)
  • Redesign it into or create an alternate form of it for any of the following species: chimereons, orkii, jolleraptors, bayfoxes, keychain rua.*
  • If the character was voided from another original species: unvoid that character from the species it was voided from. [automatic blacklist for disrespecting my boundaries if you do] [exemptions may maybe be made for those I know very well]
  • Trade my designs prior to the trade cooldown wearing off.
  • Acquire my designs with the specific intent to trade/sell off immediately [ie. scalping]
  • Sell designs that do not have monetary value [personal art may NOT be added to monetary value]
  • List my designs as being "LQ/MQ/HQ".
  • Delete my designs off of Toyhouse or transfer them to users who do not have Toyhouse accounts. My designs must stay on Toyhouse at all times. [privating/setting to auth only is totally fine as long as it's still on Toyhouse in some way!
  • Post them onto or give them away to users on Amino or FurAffinity [or similar sites]
  • Transfer ownership of them to anyone who is on my blacklist or who violates basic DNI criteria
I do not revoke designs that are rightfully and properly acquired. I only revoke designs if
a.) someone already on myΒ blacklistΒ is seeking it out; or

b.) it is being used for specific deplorable purposes [eg. CSEM]

I don't like to micromanage my designs, so please be normal with them! Thank you so much for reading!