


2 years, 7 days ago


Name Rosh
Nicknames None
Gender Cassgender
Pronouns Mostly goes by they/them, but doesn't care
Age 19
Birthday September 30th
Zodiac sign Libra
Species Pegasus
Orientation Pansexual
Relationship stat Single
Occupation Mechanic/assistant
< very talkative (sometimes talks too much)
curious of everything
hard-working, always tries their best

  • their job
  • wood carving
  • waffles
  • hot chocolate
  • talking (just in general, talking is their favorite activity)
  • sweet food
  • comics
  • birds (their favorite are bengalese finches)
  • being called small/pipsqueak
  • losing their glasses (really attached to them)
  • coffee
  • heavy rain/storms
  • small spaces
  • scented candles/perfumes/things with strong smells in general
  • cities


They grew up in a small orphanage. It's unknown what happened to their parents, the principal of the orphanage just found them one night at the institutions' doorstep with a note, asking to take care of Rosh. They're very reminiscent of the time they spent at the orphanage - they grew up with 12 other children, the workers really cared for each of them and made sure everyone's okay, so everyone there was bonded with each other very well, like a family.

Everyday, after school, he always visited a local mechanic, Bradawl. One day they just saw him working outside and greeted him, then it just became an everyday routine. He memorized when Rosh was finishing school and always waited for them. Over time Rosh started spending more time at his workshop, they were observing Brad's work, sometime's helping him with minor stuff. Visiting Bradawl was Rosh's favorite part of the day. When they got older, Brad hired them. Once Rosh finished school, they fully devoted themself to working at Bradawl's workshop.

One day Brad suggested to Rosh that they should look for a different, better paid job, because with their experience a lot of mechanics would be interested in hiring them. It took a lot of convincing for them to agree. There weren't many job offers to choose from, but the first one they applied to turned out to be a bull's eye. He was supposed to be an assistant of Vitya, a, kind off, well known inventor. Rosh was thrilled to get that job.


Them and Vitya became, sort of, friends after some time they spent together. Rosh really looks up to him, wishing to one day achieve great things like he did. Although they have a job, they often visit Bradawl at his little workshop and help him whenever they can.

They also opened up a little online business, they sell custom wood carvings. Just a little something on the side, to be able to get more money and also do something they love. (Vitya is absolutely their #1 customer.)


Design Notes
  • Always has bandaids on
  • Small wings
  • Has eyelashes
  • Their hair is always in a braid
  • Has eyebags
  • The bandana and glasses were a gift from Bradawl.
  • Bradawl also often did their hair. Rosh had every hairstyle immaginable, from braids, to ponytails, to buns. They always liked braids the most though.
  • Bradawl is really a father they never truly have. Rosh always treated him like a father figure.
  • They always tried to be a straight A student, but had a couple of slip ups here and there.
  • Wishes to be able to have a pet bird some day (or mutliple, that would've been ideal).
code by jiko