Ejote (species info)



1 year, 11 months ago


Ejote are the dominant species on the planet of Jeholi. Their excessive hair, large stature, facial markings, and shorter lifespan set them apart from other species in the universe. 

English Name
Ejote Name (Romanized)
Lalai Name (Romanized)

Ejote (pl. Ejote)


Ejote (pl. Se’jote)


Ejute (pl. Ejute)


Scientific Name
Homo notans
Native Planet
Average Height (Male; Female)

6’9” (206 cm); 6’3” (191 cm)

Average Lifespan
68 Earth years
Diet Type
Carnivorous, regressively omnivorous
Magic Use


Ejote are carnivores, their teeth are sharp and ragged with prominent canines. At the sides of their heads, they have prominent pointed ears. Ejote who hail from colder regions have thin, small eyes, similar to felines, to protect from snow-blindness.

Ejote are bipedal and notably lack tails. They have half-plantigrade half-digitigrade legs, similar to raccoons. They have longer feet and toes than other humanoid species, with pads on the soles. They generally are taller than the average human.

Most ejote have deuteranomaly, a type of color blindness where the cones in their eyes detect too much red light and not enough green light. They also have a keen sense of smell, like most other carnivores. 

Ejote have dark linear markings on their skin, known as secrame. Secrame are caused by irregular binding of melanin, creating patterns that are akin to very long freckles. Due to Jeholi being a relatively cold planet, ejote have more body hair than humans. While during the winter and colder months, they will have very thick hair, during the warmer seasons, they shed their body hair in favor of thinner, more liveable hair. 

Habitat & Population

While ejote can adapt to any climate with the help of technology and appropriate clothing, they are most suited to colder climates. On Jeholi, areas near rivers or coasts tend to be more densely populated than more arid areas inland. 


Ejote are primarily carnivorous, meaning that they cannot live without meat. When in a situation where animals to eat are sparse, they are regressively omnivorous, which means that they can eat some plants and mushrooms without getting sick.