


2 years, 14 days ago


Pansy Arpina.

Name Pansy
Nicknames PanPan
Age 27 yrs
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Birthdate June 6th
Species dragon
Sexuality Lesbian
R. status Taken
Status nfs
designer stuck_in_space
worth $30

“Im not obsessed...”

Pansy is a friendly dragon who happened to be shot down by a pirate ship while she was in dragon form. She was supposed to be killed but the captain had other plans. When the ship captain saw that she had a human form, she just couldnt do it. The moment Pansy saw the Captain, she fell in love. The Captain felt the same way too... but it wasnt as obvious. They ended up spending a lot of time together, the other people on the ship hated it though, they didnt think a dragon should be living freely on their ship. They ended up trying to get rid of pansy. One night they caught her in a net and tied a heavy cannon to her ankle, throwing her off of the ship while she was sleeping. Pansy was able to escape from the net and the cannon and she ended up flying off. It was a while before she went back to the ship. One day she saw a ship under attack by another boat and their dragon. She recognized the ship getting attacked and immediatly swooped in, landing on the ship and snapping it in half, immediatly sinking it. She fought off the other dragon, only barely winning that fight. After the fight she landed on the ship, in her human form so it didnt break the boat in half, and then she passed out. The ship crew ended up wanting to keep her, and now she sticks with the crew and the captain. She serves as the protector of the ship and the captains girlfriend.