The Mirrror Man of Mantels



1 year, 11 months ago


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The Mirror Man of Mantels

The Mirror Man of Mantels is a crypted humanoid who stalks victims who suffer from trauma or guilt. His mirror veil and claws allow the last thing the victim sees to be a twisted version of themselves or them as a person they never want to become. He will often torture one victim at a time for over a span of days, months, or even years in order to traumatize them further before their untimely demise. The diamond on his mirror veil becomes red and his mantle becomes stained with blood as he torments a victim. once the diamond becomes completely red the victim is killed. 

Other Facts:

He can have multiple “false arms“ on his back

His mantel and ”false arms” are the only things that become stained along with the diamond

He Cuts the victim with mirror shards and cleans them with his mantle throughout the victims torture

he can phase through mirrors and tunnel out from under old rags and mantels

His diamond determines how long a victim will be tormented

His  robes/tails can hold things (usually glass shards)