


2 years, 11 days ago


Lore-Although People do not know Helen's middle nor last name, Helen was quite the popular people back in her home continent. Helen and her twin sister, Sarabi was animal conservationist when Helen was alive. While Helen spread out awareness through helpful means, Sarabi on the other had borrowed money from all different types of sources some good but most of them were not. Helen did not know this until it was too late, dying at the age of 37 before a thug mistaken her as her sister.She was revived via help from Llawes. When she first woke up, she didn't remember anything and honestly Helen was very scared but with time, she became less scared and working for Llawes as a bait for people who was going to get assassinated. She did this for a while until she had enough money for herself to be ok. One day out of the blue Sarabi popped up to talk to her sister, seeing Helen made her crying and promise to never borrow money for other potentially dangerous people again. Being the loving person she is Helen nods and hugs her sister. But of course, Sarabi was lying and continued to do so. Helen being reborn again forgot about her being famous around the world but she still has a lover for animal via why she Adopted Humphrey the Harpy Eagle. Fun not so fun fact, Sarabi knew about Helen's death and just took most of her insurance money for herself which is also the reason why Helen had to work super hard for some more money. Fun Facts-Helen always wanted to have a family but was not able so thats why she is always being motherly or being an auntie to other people and ubs Sarabi knows Jayden's father and knows about Jayden Both of the Twins was born in Togo, Africa Helen is exactly 15 seconds older than Sarabi The Twins have a younger brother that is a cc.