


2 years, 10 days ago

Basic Info


Zhenya Anakletos


Amur Tiger (White)


January 1st


" Today, I will cause problems on purpose! Hehe~ "

  1. Buoyant, playful, and amicable. Zhenya can get along with anyone, even if they can't necssarily get along with him. He can be a bit of a nuisance with his teasing nature and seeming inability to take anything seriously, always ready with a sassy quip or cheesy joke. Those who are just meeting him may be surprised to learn that he makes a complete 180 when in 'work mode', however. On the job Zhenya is solemn, introspective, and reserved. He speaks little so as to listen more. There's an edge to his once-musical voice and a hardness to gem-like eyes. Zhenya is difficult to read, which honestly makes him harder to deal with because he's still as impulsive as ever. In any situation, Anya appears even-tempered and friendly. He wears a faint smile- where appropriate- even whilst working and is always ready for something new, whether that be helping a stranger move or trying a weird food combination.
  2. His tiger side makes him incredibly possessive and territorial but he tries to make light of it and play it off as just being 'quirky'.
  3. Anya currently works as a police detective. 
  4. Although he has a winsome mien, there are some things he says or actions that he takes that seem a
  5.  His voice is naturally soft and has a musical quality to it, but can also become hard and sharp. But never flat, there's still a lilt to his words. 
  6. Anya is a talented if untrained singer and likes to make up nonsense songs to annoy others.
  1. His magic allows him to make clones of himself- up to five- that can only exist for a minute but he can decide where they manifest and which one becomes 'real'. In that way he can cheat death repeatedly by creating multiple clones in a dire situation and allowing his own existence to fade in favor of the better positioned clone. Whatever knowledge they gain- for example seeing something the main body wouldn't because they were placed in a tree- is implanted into the original body's mind upon their disappearance or destruction, so he can use them as quick reconnaissance as well. The clones are Zhenya, essentially. His magic basically involves realizing the many possibilities available to him and manifesting them in that instant, allowing him to be in multiple places at once. The clones can fight & plan with him and are no less capable than the main body.