Kalos Erastis



9 years, 6 months ago


Name: Kalos Erastis Nicknames: N/A Gender: Male
Species: Shark/Dog Demon Age: ?? Sexuality: Bi; Prefers females
Status: Taken Occupation: N/A One Word: Grumpy


 Kalos is a very grumpy person, but usually not overly nasty. If he does do something cruel, it's probably his upbringing showing, as his siblings are not good people. He doesn't really know how to show affection though he does try sometimes, especially with his mate, Mizu.
He hates being forced to do things, and especially hates being forced onto his back. It makes him very vulnerable, as it can cause him to go into Tonic Immobility. Though because he's only half shark, it doesn't always work - but it often can. Occasionally he can get himself to talk in this state, but it's only sometimes and his voice comes out very monotone - which can sound funny if he decides to insult whoever put him in the state.



Kalos never knew either of his parents, and was raised by his older siblings, twins Kyrios and Pallakida. They were not kind caretakers, however, and Kalos really doesn't think either of them actually cared about him. They would often torment him, and when he got older would molest him and pressure him into doing... things. Those two are not at all against incest, and honestly often sleep with each other. Kalos tries to avoid it, but sometimes would get dragged into it too.
When he met Mizu... Honestly they didn't get along all that well at first. Kalos didn't know how to interact with people much. But he managed to leave his siblings and now stays with her, and while he doesn't know how to show it too well, he loves her. Kalos' siblings try to drag him back sometimes, but Mizu helps fend them off so he doesn't have to go.



Pallakida: Older Sister; Hated

Kyrios: Older Brother; Especially hated

Mizu: Mate

Eira: Friend

Kanja: Aquaintence that he often fights with.



When in Tonic Immobility, he can't talk as often as Kyrios can.