


2 years, 9 days ago


Jeremy ,,Fuzzington" Dahlin



Ray (job partner, treats him like a younger sibling), Elliot, Ophelia


Lance (father figure), real family members are unknown


AGE:21 years
BIRTHDAY:4th of June
HEIGHT:Around 3,2ft tall
SPECIES:Possesed doll

Page code by Shroomish

By personality he's tricky, self confident and proud of his own magic abilities, calling himself ,,the best'' at times even. Fuzzington enjoys acting malicious and giving a threat toward his opponents, letting them know he's not the weak creature they consider him as at first. Besides being vicious, he also has a soft spot for people he respects and cares about. Deep down inside he's actually very emotional but hates showing it.

Fuzzington (or earlier Jeremy) used to be a human before, living full of joy in a rich family - however it hasn't lasted for long. One unfortunate night the Dahlin members were murdered and robbed by burglars, leading Jeremy to end dead too. Despite the murder, Jeremy's soul was mysteriously placed in his favorite bear doll, making him panic and quickly escape the building. He headed for the forest, where Lance found him and decided to take him to his palace. Some time passed and both ended being in father-son bond, making the Imp only care about his new child. Lance gave all the attention to Jeremy, aswell as inspiration for the future. Jeremy was taught how to use magic, making him dream of being a world famous magician, create his own amsement park, and work for his father as a villain. The last of these three things disturbed Lance, making him worried his son was too fragile physically to participate in any battle. Jeremy learning about these thoughts wasn't able to accept this, ending for the first time in a big quarrel between his father. He eventually decided to run away from his father, steal his 10 powerful rings and show how powerful he'll become. The plan wasn't the same as he thought, since he stole only one ring but still was capable learing mind control ability with no problem and use it for kidnapping alive people, who built and work for his very own amusement park. 

3 succesful years of being both a mascot and the owner of the amusement park, he finally was found by his father figure. Jeremy at first wanted to show his power in a fight but after getting injured at the end of it, he got mentally broke down and gave up. Lance however was still impressed by the progress his son made - especially the capability of creating own business. Both father and son forgave each other, and from that day Jeremy lives and works for Lance.