
1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Doril

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species; Kelp Forest Merfolk

Backstory/Info: When he was born, he was alone, like all Kelp Forest Merfolk start. He could either find his parents or find shelter. He went out to find his parents, this was already a big red flag in their culture. Finding shelter is everything in the Kelp Forest, no one knows what could be swimming in the forest at any given time. But, being a child and being very confused and scared, he just wanted his mother. He looked all over the forest, being chased by all sorts of sharks and sea lions, nearly dying a few times along the way. He stopped looking and stayed with a raft of sea otters for a while. 

He saw his first human when he was twelve, he was looking for the Forest Capital to live in. He was swimming near the surface when he saw someone like him, but they had no tail. They were in a box of some kind, gliding over the water faster than a dolphin! It was amazing! Since reaching the Capital, he's returned to the human boardwalk to watch them do whatever it is they do and be amazed at everything they did!


-Very easy going

-Curious about the humans

-Will forgive anyone for anything

-Will sacrifice himself for you, bc he loves you :D

-Thinks everyone is awesome and perfect

-Literally never judges a person


-Has his own little Urchin farm

-Has a pet sea otter he named Shell

-Constantly watching humans do humany things

-Tries to imitate the humans

-Not interested in finding anyone at all, just wants to find pretty shells