Narzica and Cales Bâlan



2 years, 4 days ago


Narzica Bâlan
Age 204 yo
Spezies Vampire
Gender female [she/her]
Orientation Heterosexual
Height 177cm/5"9ft
Birthday November 27th

Narzica is a character in the world of festar on the planet Pholuba. She was born in Trastu in the region on Heon where she still lives today with her husband, childreen and servants in the Bâlan Castle, the castle is owned in the family since 8 generations.

Narzica is very proud of being in such an old and well known family and knows how to let her contacts play if she needs something. She also has an older Sister but she don´t like Figo much because she hates humans. Narzica found her piece with humans and knows that some of them are very friendly.

Cales Bâlan
Age 187 yo
Spezies Vampire (former human)
Gender male [he/him]
Orientation Heterosexual
Height 191cm/ 6"2ft
Birthday March 19th

Cales is a Character in the world of festar on the planet Pholuba. He was born in Xerdul in a little village where he lived with his parents. Later he moved to Trastu in the Heon region in Narzicas Castle

He is a calm and friendly person who ever kepps his anger and emotions inside. He loves his family and loves spending time with them but sometimes he feels so alone because everyone from his old family is dead.
About Us

They´re living together in the Bâlan Castle since Narzica and Cales are maried. Narzica is the strickt one in there realationship. Especially with there kids. She ever knows that to say and is getting angry easier but Cales helps here to calm down again and she really eppriciates this fact.

He is more of the romantic one and gives her flowers, chocolate and other things she likes whenever he can. They also have a tradition that they´re making a trip every year on there anniversary in another city.

Our Dynamic
Relationship married
Status Close

Cales is easy to distract and sometimes a little bit shy, he needed alot of time till he could tell her that he loves her. She trys to bring him out of his comfortzone so they can do some stuff together what they never did before. He on the other side helps her staying relaxed and calm when she´s really stressed.

Even when he was a human she was the one to put him out and do some stuff but he really likes it and loves to think about everything they did together. He never regrets that she turned him into a vampire and she´s happy that they can spand the rest of there lives together.

Narzicas thoughts about Cales

"I love him so much, he is absolutely the love of my live I don´t know if I would´ve found such a great husband!

He calmes me down if I´m in rage and he gives me massages whenever I need them. He helps me so much and am so happy to have him
Sometimes he is so shy and he was very shy back when we met but that was so cute about him. He is also very attractive and I just love him so much"

Character 2's thoughts

"Where should I start? Narzica is nice, funny, beautifull, has pretty eyes, I love her hair, she is such a great and perfect person I enjoy every minute I´m spending with her

I remember when we started to met and I needed to go to the graveyard at night. Omg I was sooo nervous because I didn´t know what was going on and we just spendet time there talking and cuddling
Or another time it was also late in the evening when we were on a ball and danced together and she was so beautifull she had sucha pretty dress I still remember it so well. She is my pretty rose I love her so much"

Our Story

They met while Narzica was in Xerdul because her parents had friends there and she needed to go with them. She was in the streets at night and met Cales on the way because she felt a little bit cold and he gave her his jacket and asked her if they wanna go and eat something together.

In the future days they met more often and started to get friends. After two weeks Narzica needed to go back but started to visit him regularily. He was 25 when they first met and 27 when he told her that he was in love with her She felt very bad because she never told him that she is a vampire so she told him on that day. He was shocked at first but got it really fast and started a relationship with her.

They lived together a few years and when he was 35 he told her that he wanted to marry her and that he was ready to get transformed into a vampire. They married a few month after and she bit him on there honeymoon. he transformed a short time after that but never told his parents or siblings that he´s a vampire now. He moved to her in the castle and they´re living there since A few years after that her parents died due to a vampire hunt in there region and they were alone with Leonardo the buttler and long friend of the family

After a few years they got Mila and Adrian and live got really exiting again for them, they´re both so happy and proud about there kids. A long time later Narzica found Ida on the streets where Lucyfer left her and she told Ida she could come to the castle. Soon Ida started to work in the castle and started to life there. When Mila told them that she had a human girlfriend they were very happy for her and even told Miriam that she could life with them but she refused because she liked her own homebut she´s visiting very regulary.