


2 years, 7 days ago


Imai Chizuru 
 — I'm not very strong! Or smart, for that matter. Actually, I'm pretty bad at a lot of things ~ hmhm, I'd still like you to depend on me, though! ♪

A kind and gentle producer, Chizuru is an enigmatic but nonetheless charming individual. He’s friendly to all, and has a notably calm presence. According to some rumors, he has a scary side, but it’s hardly imaginable considering his grandma-like demeanor.


Age: 23 ✦ Birthday: 1 February (Aquarius) ✦ Height: 180cm ✦ Weight: 59kg
Likes: Breakfast crêpes, dad jokes, keeping plants
Dislikes: The cold, spicy food. Can't handle the smell of antiseptics.
Occupation: Barista-bartender, studying to enter college (attends night classes). Producer.
Image: Corvus
Agency: Nebula (producer)
Units: Me2u, aanya
Specialty: His deadly 'sweet-talk and soft-smile' combi
Enneagram: 2w3
Image color: #CC616A (Chestnut rose)


Chizuru is a tall and lanky young man with a rather frail build. He has fluffy and wavy chestnut-brown hair, and sunset-gradient eyes. He has two moles under his left eye, and some piercings in his ears.

His outfits are all over the place, ranging from stylish office clothes to neon dad-drip garbage. His sister’s attempts to make him look presentable only extend to work and special occasions; otherwise, Chizuru enjoys wearing polo shirts with questionable color choices and weird prints. To top it all off, he always wears his favorite red scarf, as well as a very very worn-out plastic bead bracelet.


On the surface, Chizuru is a relatively harmless, easygoing and likeable young man. He has a calm demeanor, slow and simple, and prefers to take his time with things. While he is plenty sociable, Chizuru doesn’t easily pick up on social cues, and lacks a lot of basic knowledge. As a result, he comes off as gullible, and is prone to falling for what should be obvious schemes (scamming, eh?).

In that same vein, Chizuru is… kind of bad at taking care of himself! It’s a little bit of everything, actually. He doesn’t do it on purpose, really, but between his innate reckless nature and his less than favorable self-image, Chizuru has a hard time pacing himself. 

Despite his flaws, however, Chizuru cares deeply for the people around him, and wants nothing but the best for all of them. He’s a bit overbearing in that regard, though, and likes to spoil his friends with lots of gifts and cheesy, but sweet compliments.

As much as he tries to be genuine, though, Chizuru is surprisingly tight-lipped about his own background; he usually just avoids the topic altogether.


[This is a summary! Visit ‘Synopsis’ for more details]

Chizuru has been a sickly child since birth, struggling with a weak constitution. As a result, he was hospitalised at a young age. Due to his frail health, Chizuru fell back on his academics and wasn’t able to talk to anyone outside of his family.

At some point, however, he had a chance meeting with fellow chance patient Hijiri (then known as ‘Inoue Ena’). The two had a close friendship for several years, and Chizuru was largely emotionally dependent on Hijiri during this period.

Around their early teenage years, however, the two had a falling out, which was a culmination of multiple events: Hijiri’s discharge from the hospital, paralleled with Chizuru’s worsening health, and personal problems on both sides.

While Chizuru’s overall condition has improved over the years, his emotional health has—stabilised, for one, but it’s a fragile balance. Not that he thinks much of it, though. Teehee?


→ Chizuru is fond of keeping houseplants and owns a cacti quintet (with names) that he tends to daily. They're... more or less his children.

→ Aside from the cacti, Chizuru also keeps a single goldfish who he lovingly calls Ino-chan

→ Chizuru’s given name means ‘a thousand cranes’. If you know, you know. ;D 

→ Has an older sister, Chiharu. They’re on friendly terms; she makes sure Chizuru looks presentable at work and during special occasions, and Chizuru borrowed a lot from his present-day personality from her.