
2 years, 17 days ago


The first son of a higher appointed Choir angel. He has 2 younger siblings. Reo and Kaleiah. He's soft-spoken and rather agreeable with others. He has found the old ways of the angels, the Choir and their Society to be outdated but he finds it difficult to speak up in fear of if his father's position is taken from him.

Rin was considered for the Guardian program in his school but turned it down. Most think it is because he is aiming to take after his father's job but to Rin, it's more complicated than that. He agrees with the thought in public but internally he is fighting with himself. On one hand, the position is a high-ranking one, and given the position means he will be given a chance to try and change it from within, however, he knows that he would have to work hard and tread carefully to keep it. He might just end up enforcing the same old policies he hates and wishes to change.

While he has guardian-sized wings that can lift him high in the heavens without much of an effort he prefers to stay on the paths and walk most places. He tends to fly as a hobby and a secret pleasure is flying in the dead of night, a talent he hopes to share with his future partner.

His relations are rather normal in terms of angels. He has a more professional relationship with his father and a more familial one with his mother and siblings. He gets along great with Reo especially. He sees the middle sibling as pure and full of life. Their relationship is close and Rin would do most anything to protect Reo. 

Male/25 in human years/Bi/Alto