Horace Draft



1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Horace Draft

Gender: Nonbinary (they/them pronouns)

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Relationship: None

Age: Early to mid 40s

Birthday: June 4th

Personality: Not a people person, not because they hate people, Horace is used to being alone and doesn't really know how to talk to people. Likes being in the ocean and enjoys the sea shore. Was set on becoming Elden Lord but as time wore on, joining Marika at her side became less of a desire for them and they felt directionless for a while. Following Ranni has led them to a new path.

Story: Horace was born and grew up outside the Lands Between by Fundamentalist parents who raised Horace to follow the Golden Order. Horace was excited at the prospect of someday returning to The Lands Between and in following Marika’s wishes for all Tarnished, ended up joining a pirate crew and raging war on the ocean. They didn’t get along with their crew, but stayed for a long time, until one fateful night, they mored on an island and Horace took a walk. They don’t remember what happened, other than having strange burns on their body and their crew mates now turned against them. Horace was killed after that encounter and woke up later in the Lands Between.

There, Horace began their quest to become Elden Lord, but as they continued to gather Great Runes and meeting other denizens of the land, they became less sure of their original desires, and wandered aimlessly until they made their way to Ranni. There, they found a new purpose in serving her and helping her goals, officially going back to fighting other demigods for their pieces of the Elden Ring later.

Their resolve began to break again when they lost Melina at the Giant’s Forge. They continued with their mission, defeating Mikaleth, Radagon, and then the Elden Beast, before choosing to follow Ranni into an age of stars.