Samantha's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Ze_Doodles Global Rules
RESELLING/TRADING -Designs may only be resold IF you purchased them from myself or another user, meaning if it was traded with art, given as a gift, or won, you may not make a profit from it unless you bought extra art, as it may then be adjusted accordingly. -Designs may be traded for other designs and/or goods. -Designs may be gifted to other users. -Once you re-sell/trade/gift the design, it is no longer yours. -Inform me if you trade, resell, or gift any of my designs. DO NOT: -Charge extra money for art gifted to you. CO-OWNING My designs should always have one designated owner. If you co-own it will not be recognized as official so if the two parties ever come to a disagreement the one I have as the owner will have full rights. RECOLORING/EDITING -All edits to my closed species need to be shown to me for approval before being used legitimately. Please do so by PMing me on TH or dA and be sure to include the original file for comparison. -You may edit the design, but not to the point that they're unrecognizable. -Edits on closed species must CLOSELY resemble the original design. While colors, markings and traits can be tweaked, you will be asked to adjust it if there is not enough resemblance. DO NOT: -Take payment to edit on top of my artwork, or pay others to edit on my artwork. Please make/get new art if money for edits is involved. PRODUCT QUANTITY If you purchase a single design from me, you are not allowed to split it off into multiple designs. It must remain as a single design. COMMERCIAL RIGHTS -You are not allowed to use my art of the design for profit in any way. -You are not allowed to include my designs in games/comics/videos and other mass media consumed materials for profit. -You may make charms/shirts/prints/business cards/post cards featuring the character you have purchased, so long as they are made in limited quantity, and the art is YOUR OWN art, or art purchased -from another user with explicit permission from them to use their art in such a way. RE-POSTING You may repost artwork/design you've received to display them as yours, however you are required to downsize/watermark it for completely public display. My un-watermarked images are given to people so they may see their things clearly or provide them in private for commission references, but should not be posted in the open for the sake of the protection of the art. PROPER USAGE Publicized art of my designs that include subjects such as: sexual artwork with children, hate speech & racism toward real-life races Will NOT be tolerated, and you will be warned. Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning, which will become a block/blacklist if rules are repeatedly broken.