August (csom au)



1 year, 9 months ago



pictures of you
The Cure

01 — Profile

Name August Tanaka
BIRTHDAYSeptember 1, 1969
Occupation Unemployed

Status NFT
Designer cabinet-man
Worth N/A
  • He’s wearing dress shoes and black socks 
  • If you’re drawing him you don’t have to draw his hat or the floating pictures around him
  • Drawing his bag is also optional!
  • His hair length is pretty inconsistent but if you draw him you can make it long or shoulder length,,,,
  • He’s a CSOM (Clear Skies Over Milwaukee) OC so the story takes place during 1997, Here’s a link to CSOM
02 — Personality

If there were three adjectives to accurately describe August, it would be pessimistic, unpleasant, and disagreeable. Exceptionally bitter and angry from losing his job, August is not the most friendly person. There's always something he has to complain about,  always some imperfection that bothers him. It seems like there's never been a positive day in his life sometimes, judging by how negative he is all the time. August always looks unhappy even if he isn't. The only time he ever seems to not have that unhappy look on his face is when he's looking at his beloved cameras and his photos.

  • Cameras
  • Photography
  • Movies
  • The Cure
  • Lucia
  • Lucia’s apartment
  • Uncomfortable clothes
  • Taking off his hat indoors
03 — Background


August was always doing whatever his mother wanted him to, which meant getting good grades and going to a prestigious college. His freetime was always spent studying, he rarely let himself have the pleasure of doing anything he liked. He never did fail his mother’s expectations, he did get into a prestigious college and a decent paying job (as a detective). However, after an incident at his workplace that may or may not have involved attempted murder, he panicked and ran away from everything. Now he's an unemployed loser freeloading at his old friend Lucia's place. Nobody knows the reason why Lucia is letting August stay with her, but it certainly mustn't be something good considering her dislike of August.


Always having an interest in photography (especially vintage photography) but never having the time to pursue it, with his newly discovered free time he decided to dedicate everything he had into photography. He never leaves his place (technically Lucia's) without bringing at least one of his cameras, everything he does he takes a photo of. August has multiple photo albums and stacks of photos, mostly of his everyday life or nothing exciting in particular. He wants to become famous for something cool, creative, innovative and totally different from everything else, particularly for photography, but he has no idea how to achieve that goal. Besides, he has way too many problems currently to worry about becoming getting a job. Unfortunately, the jobs he gets never seem to last longer than a few weeks. It's definitely not because he never shows up for his shifts at all, right???


August is an adult in his late 20's approaching his 30's. He has a very frail stature, sometimes it seems like if the wind blows too hard his direction he would be swept away.  August has long, wispy hair and chunky square glasses (he can't see without them). He is wearing a brown hat that's falling apart which matches his brown bag and a greenish-brown jacket paired with a turtleneck. His pants have a plaid pattern on it, and to his side is a film camera he carries with him. He's wearing fancy brown dress shoes and black socks. The shoes don't really go with his outfit, but it was the only pair of brown shoes he had and he prefers his outfits to be color-coordinated. 

04 — Trivia

  • If he eats something, he has to eat each part individually. For example, if he’s eating a burger, he has to eat the top bun first, then the patty, the tomatoes, and then on. He has some exceptions for this like rice or noodles.

  • Although he really likes cameras he’s insanely bad at photography. August gets way too excited about holding a camera when taking a picture, so the picture usually ends up blurry or just bad in general.

  • His name is August because he was supposed to be born in August. However, he was born on September 1st on 12:00 am on the dot,  missing the deadline by 1 second. His parents still decided to call him August, but it just didn’t feel the same. 

  • He LOVES watching movies, besides his hobby of obsessing over cameras he’s also an obnoxious film buff. Currently his favorite movies are Heathers and My Own Private Idaho.
05 — Relationships


Lucia is August’s only friend and technically roommates. Considering the fact he’s just freeloading at her place, they can’t really be called that. August and Lucia go way back all the way from when they met in high school during PE classes and bonded over being the worst kids. Lucia says she dislikes August and is only tolerating him, but the two of them get along pretty well despite that. She's always threatening to kick August out if he doesn't get a job, but whatever job August gets never lasts. It’s unknown the reason for why Lucia is letting him stay with her, but whatever it is it cant be anything good. 


As soon as August turned 18, he moved out and cut off all contact with his mom. Despite him desperately trying to convince himself this was for the best, he constantly regrets his decision and wishes he and his mother  had a good relationship with each other. August tries to call his mom and reach out to her every day, but his mom won’t answer. It seems like she doesn’t want anything to do with August at all. Long story short he has huge mommy issues