Josef Voicerair Ne'meas



8 years, 9 months ago


Josef Ne'meas


"see the life I've had / can make a good man bad"

Name Josef Voicerair Ne'meas Personality Observant, laid-back, intelligent, reserved, kindly
Age 426 (early 40's) Orientation Panromantic Pansexual
Gender Male Skills Strategist; good leader
Titles Jose, Voice Abilities Shadow magic manipulation, minor electricity manipulation, general demon abilities (shadow transportation, nether manipulation, etc)
Status Complicated Significant Other Vang
Likes quiet evenings
rest & relaxation
physical strength
familial love
a certain bodyguard
Dislikes spells & contracts
liars & cheats
forced socialization
muggy weather

Arc 1


time with chantrial, being summoned, etc


849742_36ANZtUGontkwNn.png Arkan

beep bop

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bleep blorp.

849771_IUPe0aNWCm1SH1Y.png Chantrial

Chantrial and Josef are platonic soulmates, and it's quite obvious if one simply observes them for a little while. Having shared a body for many years, their thoughts are still intertwined every now and then, and they work extremely well together, hardly needing words at times. Josef is Chantrial's closest friend and most trusted advisor, even though it may outwardly appear that she is closest with Arkan. While they don't see each other face-to-face as frequently - Josef is captain of the palace guard, after all, it keeps him busy - when they do see each other it's all the sweeter.

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Josef and Vang take a while to come together, but once they do, they're pretty inseparable. Vang and Josef initially didn't get along at all, and in fact quite distrusted the other. Vang saw Josef as nothing more than someone who had taken advantage of an individual in an unfortunate situation, which was the very source of his own trauma and personal issues. However, they bonded slowly over the war and their rocky relationship resulted in friendship when Josef saved Vang's life. Since then, Josef feels something stirring deep in his heart when he has a chance to interact with the king's bodyguard, but he keeps a lid on his true feelings for the sake of being polite. After all, him and Josef are just friends, and Josef certainly doesn't want to overwhelm Vang with any untoward feelings.

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