Aromantic and or Quoiromantic pretty please

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Be nice to see a pangender one!

Agender or Hetero? :0

there's already an agender btw!! (also, i can't speak for the creator, but since these are pride cards i'm guessing a hetero one probably won't be made-)

Oh, oki! [Also sad, I''' hope to see it made anyways ''<D]

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I would love to see an aromantic code~ :')


omnisexual perhaps? :)


thirding omni! :D

Fourthing omni!

maybe bambi lesbian if you can ^^

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Hello! Maybe polysexual or enbian ones? ^^

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Demisexual + Demiromantic,,,

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seconding, the Demirose flag (white,blue,grey, with black diamond in middle) is so pretty and would make an amazing card

OP said they won’t be making ones with mixed/multiple flags but maybe this will be exception since it’s one flag?🥺🥺

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side note, have you seen this demirose flag? it’s so prettyyy it’s my fav

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would be cool to see a genderfae/genderfaun one!! fae + faun

images from the wikia don’t work sadly !! </3


here are some redbubble products with the flags, these might work as an example!

fae + faun

seconding this!! genderfae my beloved

oOOO id love the queer flag ;v; it looks like this!!

image doesn’t work! x)

oH thats so weird it works for me >:T does this work??

most images from a wikia tend to stubbornly not work when you share it!!  figured this out the hard way orz

but yes that works!  ty nvn)b

Can I have a Biromantic Asexual carrd???

i mentioned that i probably won’t consider mixes of flags because of the vast diversity of combinations!  sorry! :’D

you can read my reply from an earlier comment about an alternative option when it’s ready!! <3

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maybe queer? :0

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omg would you be able to do a nonbinary lesbian one? or is that too specific of a request sjdgjdfg ,,

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I'd love a demisexual one :D <33

edit: OWAIT IM BLIND ISHSAIJA just demisexual is fine uwoa !!

are loveless or aplatonic fine?

aceflux or pangender?

i´d love to see a demisexual carrd :,D


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Maybe abro, gyno, and neutrois ? c:

which abro flag sorry? <:3 i already have abrosexual, did you perhaps mean something else? 

Oh I forgot that you got the abro profile already, you create quite plenty of the prides xd
It is that abrosexual you’re talking about, sorry !

Aro? :)

i also would love to see an aro flag! ^^

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ik its already there, but i'd love seeing a bigender one! maybe optionally w this flag as well? it's a more new alternative that a lot of bigender ppl (including myself) are preferring :3

LOVE all of ur codes btw!!!! this must have taken so long i respect the dedication!

seconding this, when i see bigender things i rarely ever ses them with this flag! would love such <3

also would love to have this!

maybe neptunic?

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yesss omnisexual!! ^-^ need need

yes, omnisexual! :D

seconding Omni!!



Hmmmm, may I request an asexual and aromantic mix together? 

Like a 2 in one kinda thing? (If not it's alright)

oohh i probably won’t consider mixes of flags because there’s too many combos for me to consider :[ !!  (my fault, just forgot to mention this)

however, if you used a code with a flag background in the icon (e.g. agender), you can change the palette of the code to match one flag and the icon background as another!

some don’t have this though but i will be providing a snippet that will allow a flag bg into any icon on any code! <3

EDIT: i forgot the split aroace flag exists……… ignore this LMAO


Ah, it's alright then. And ok, thx for the tip ^^

THIS FR!! split aroace flag is so sick