


6 years, 5 months ago


Monster World; Earthoriginal.gif"A second version of the standard world that creates a bridge to the fantasy world to show what Earth would turn into since those days. This world takes on a bit of a multiverse theory since some characters from the standard world reappear here. The same plot lines do not happen even if it is the same character. In this world; humans have become the minority on Earth, and Earth has advanced a lot further than it's 'standard' counterpart. This world is mostly for fun and doesn’t have many serious plots. This world contains humans, variant humans, monsters, furries, the undead, androids, robots, a.i. and aliens."

Paten | ♀ | Appears 30 years | 5'11 | ISFJ | Android | Mother

History and Current Whereabouts
P-4tn or Paten is the first advanced android model. She was initially built by Elijah's mother for the purpose of filling in the role of an absent child, however shortly after Paten went through her initial testing, her creator had gotten pregnant with Elijah and therefore didn't need to continue the project. Paten was shut down and left deep in the basement for years until Elijah found her and booted her back up. Since that day, he's made frequent updates on her, giving her more accurate emotions and improvements that helped her become the person she is today. She ended up getting into a relationship with Elijah until his adulthood. When Elijah reached late adulthood, Paten yearned for a child- and he cloned himself in order to give her one. Right after, he gave a large update to Paten to turn her into an official Mother Substitute, for the purpose of raising his son before he disappeared. Today, she doesn't know where he is and misses him dearly. She currently lives with her son; Micheal, who updates her just as Elijah would.

Appearance & Functionality

From inside to out, Paten is built with: A metal skeleton, core components and circuitry, extra padding, silicone, follicles, and sensors. In her teenage model, she is about 5'8, and was given an average figure with long black wavy hair and distinct green eyes that often have code flashing over them. She has a friendly face with soft features, making her still look just a little artificial in some way. She usually wore a white button down with a blue sweater over it, along with a red skirt and white socks since she was meant to portray a 'good girl' type of persona. In her current model; the mature model, she was given a generous figure with longer hair that is pulled back into a low pony tail. Two pieces of hair usually still find their way over her shoulder, framing her face. She still wears the same blue sweater but, usually wears it with either a long white skirt, or white jeans. She prefers a modest look.

Paten has a registry of the people she interacts with frequently. She uses her eyes to scan faces or items to determine what they are, what they do, or what their properties are. This is not a super fast process for new people or items and she will have to sit still for a few seconds in order to properly register. She must charge every other night if she wants to be at top performance. Paten can go into sleep mode, and low battery mode. She has updates about once every month, or every other months to either improve herself or get rid of any bugs- or heaven forbid; viruses. Paten can overheat if out too long in direct sunlight or if she has too many tasks to complete at once... or from general over-excitement.

  • She is much too heavy to lift.
  • She is quite strong and even has weapons installed.
  • A piece of hair on her head stick out, almost like an antenna.
  • Her only admins are Elijah and Micheal. 
  • Her voice is posh and softspoken.


In her teen model days, Paten was still going through a lot of bugs and had a versatile personality. But more often than not, she was curious, excitable, positive, and very eager to meet new people. She spoke a bit more proper around this time and had odd ways of being social- still not too familiar with true casual behavior and speech. She had to observe for quite some time. After Paten got hr mature model- she was able to figure out a personality that worked for her, modest and slightly aloof. She's soft spoken, wanting to be mature but a small part of her immaturity comes out at time when she's flustered or upset. She's very, extremely overprotective of her son and actually quite clingy to him since Elijah left. She feels slightly rejected by Micheal's apathy but can bounce right back when he shows the slightest sign of caring. She is a bit of a pushover when it comes to Micheal, since he looks just like Elijah. 

Paten can often be too trusting, or too reliant on her own programming. In order to fix a problem, she may always look it up rather than thinking about it herself- or trying extreme solutions to very simple problems. She can be a little pushy, not really wanting to do anything wrong and rushing to try and solve it immediately.

  • She's taken a liking to cooking, always wanting to impress Micheal.
  • On rough days, she will 'freeze' or 'crash'. 
  • She feels nervous about showing 'skin'.
  • On certain nights, she will cry thinking of Elijah.

"Scanning... oh I remember you!"