


2 years, 14 days ago


A living ship of Theseus. Chemical burns batter the left side of his body, and tiny surgical scars thread most major joints and ligaments. In some places, his scar tissue has grown in a different color. Immunocompromised, suspected to be as a result of significant radiation exposure during his time in the Gullett. Stays indoors to avoid falling ill. Conspiracy theorist, eaten alive by paranoia. Lashes out when angry, but generally has more emotional regulation than Phineas. Quick to read something as suspicious, and almost eager to contort any sentence into a veiled threat or clue to some mystery. His taste in food changes daily. Why can he remember things he never did? His water tastes powdery.

- a long time resident of the town who everyone is """'encouraged""" not to acknowledge. he thinks he's supposed to be dead, and is hiding in phineas's apartment as a result. 

- most of his body is composed of transplants. organs, limbs, skin, the works. he doesn't know how much of himself he even owns. his brain, at least, is his -- or so he thinks. 

- the body keeps the score. cells store memories, little imprints of life events, and harvey learns this the hard way. 

- he is a man haunted by ghosts. at night, he dreams of their traumas. - obscure language aside, he is essentially an experiment into the way that cells store memories; "they" are trying to learn how and why this occurs and more generally wish to know whether positive or negative experiences are favored in this process. he's literally experiencing the cellular memories of other people. 

- it's hard to tell this is the case just by looking at him. the scarring is minimal, as the surgeries took advantage of (experimental) state of the art technology, but he can feel the divides. 

- wants to escape the town and needs phineas's help to do it.