


6 years, 5 months ago



"When you leave my colors fade to gray"(idk what song yet lolol)

Hybrid [White Rhino/Snapping Turtle]
Curious | Empathetic | Nurturing

Hestia's hybridized body clearly originates in the crossing of a white rhino and a snapping turtle. Although fairly small when she emerges from her chrysalis being roughly the size of a pony, her growth is sure to be exponential through her first few cycles. Destined to be 6 feet at the shoulder and 20 feet from nose to tail. Though with an unexpected ability she can extend her neck outwards for an extra 3 feet in length. She will weigh in at around 6,000 pounds once fully mature. Her skin is thick, wrinkled and scaled - literal living armor - and powdery white, with a silvery-gray sheen. Though when underwater or wet the unusual hide oscillates like that of fish scales. Around her midsection a shell saddles her, ridged jaggedly in alignment with her spine. The shell itself is a deep thundercloud gray, but oscillates with a sheen of iridescent blue.

The massive iolite gem she bears is nestled at the forefront of her shell, just behind her head. Her eyes are a lovely indigo, bright with a curiously fiery spectrum of blue-black and purple. Two small, pale horns sprout from her nose and face, reminiscent of her rhinoceros origins, but are not likely to get much larger; although they are not completely useless in combat. Her movements are likely to be incredibly clumsy and ponderous as a young Gembound, but as she ages she will acquire an eerie elegance, moving gracefully through the half-lit darkness of her world. It will always be easy to hear her coming, unless her presence is somehow magically augmented or obscured, for there is no hiding the natural effect of gravity on her massive, muscled shape as she lumbers through the caves. Because of this she finds later in her life about the wonders of water and her hidden affinity with this particular element. Even learning how her heavy and elegant build feels right at home through the calm waters.


From the beginning, life has not been easy. Her creation took longer than it should, forcing her to struggle for the ability to exist all for the sake of the armor she bears. The shell itself is representative of an existence marked by protection and safety, though perhaps not for herself; first and foremost, Hestia is nurturing. She empathizes deeply, not just with other Gembound, but with the world as it exists around her. Physical sturdiness has been traded for emotional vulnerability, and though it is likely to help her through many trials, she will also suffer for it, especially during her first few cycles. Growing up she will doubt her appearance, preferring and admiring that of her mother's until she reaches full maturity herself. Which then she would have finally settled into her body at the correct weight and proportions finally coming to terms that she too is elegant and as beautiful as her loving mother and friends.

As she ages, it's easier for her to cope, and this offers an avenue for vast wisdom. Hestia is curious, craving knowledge in a way that is borderline obsessive. She adores stories and lore, and although not particularly interested in fame, might often find herself in the shadows of events as they unfold in life. She will likely have a penchant for collecting things - minerals, plants, bones, friends - whatever strikes her fancy. This also leaves her decorating herself with her prized and favorite finding. Whether it be a necklace, anklet or even something to have tied around her horn or tail; she will wear it fondly!

She also possesses a naturally bright and outgoing attitude, and has a very obvious knack for wit. Sarcasm will come with maturity, but we may hope there is never a time in Hestia's life that her laugh is not the deep, rollicking chortle of a creature whose heart is lit by the warmth of fire. The most difficult lesson she will learn in her life is that not everyone deserves a second chance, and that she will need to determine who is and is not worthy of her time, effort, and trust. Betrayal will be the cruelest blow, should she ever be its victim. Let us just hope fate is gentle in her lessons.

  • main_character_by_kittenkinq-dawaegh.png
  • Self-made
  • Forever homed
  •  $0+
  • Gift art okay
  • No NSFW
  • No gore

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