JR "Jazz Rock" Gemhero



2 years, 10 days ago


JR Gemhero is a biobot from a different dimension than the one Megaman lives on. A Biobot is a type of robot that is metal on the inside with their endoskeleton but has the DNA of their creator or creators surrounding the rest of their body. In the case of the Gemhero here, he came from a long line of "Gem Knights" an elite family of heroes with the ability to use something known as "Power Gems" which can give the user a number of interesting abilities.

Many years ago, around the first anniversary of his creation, an attack by a villain known as "Kingman" resulted in the near death of his dear older brother, a Gem Knight robot named "Gemman." Realizing his destiny, JR swore to avenge the diamond armored knight by defeating Kingman himself. It was then he went and picked up the sacred "Gem Sword" kept within the confines of his family home. Upon his grasping of the blade, it morphed itself to fit the specifications of the knight who wielded it transforming it into "Redblade."

When JR got his famous red sword out'n'ready, he along with some of his other siblings, set out on his first quest to stop the vicious Kingman, by taking out all 9 of his original "Master Minions" known as: "Wolvone, Golox, Spectral, Aqua, Chillard, Blasttrap, Sattelix, Blazer, and Nightslash." Once he took them out, he went to Kingman's Castle and took the fight to the beastly Kappa King. This battle marked the first of many times and the start of the great rivalry between the Cherry Knight and the Dragon-Kappa King.

JR is a heroic, fun-loving guy who takes joy in doing what he does best! Dropping down and whacking villains with that magic sword of his! He can be cocky and sarcastic at times, and has a habit of riling up his enemies by cracking jokes and insulting them as the fight goes on. And on some occassions has been very stotic and cold, though these are in times of total seriousness or in total retaliation But he can also be sweet, caring alot for his siblings and the friends he surrounds himself with. JR will never give up the crusade for justice, no matter where or when he is, he will always fight for what he believes in.