Alyssa Talahas



6 years, 5 months ago


Patient #002

Day 1 of umorteanix serum

9:00 AM -    Patient has exhibited normal behaviours for Day 1 of the serum

Update 10:00 AM - Patient has screamed excessively regarding vision issues. Possible hallucinations or intravenous head trauma is a diagnosis

Update 2:00 PM - Patient refuses to open eyes. When forcibly opened, the pupils are seen to have dialated to cover whole eye, blacking it out. Patient screamed when this procedure happened, and clawed at the officer conducting the procedure. The officer is currently being taken to intensive care for a possible blood infectious disease.

UPDATE 6:00 PM - Patient has mutated. The tears patient 2 has cried now hold anti gravity capabilities and rotate around her in small spheres around her head. Patient still refuses to open eyes, but now seems to have lightning sharp reflexes, even with the handicap of sight. 

Because of patient 2's sparradicly erratic behaviour, transfer to the Special Requirments room is mandatory. She will be dropped at 10:00 PM tonight.