


2 years, 10 days ago


Kennedy Heath. 45. Chicagoland Comms Team.

An ATC at O'Hare, Kennedy is one of the handful of telepaths and sensors that oversees the entirety of the exclusion zone surrounding Object 7, as well as acting as the director for ADZN's 13th sector. He was present during the New Years Day incident while coming to work and was one of the many unfortunates to be caught in the effect ring. He was only spared by the random luck of gaining an ability.

Kennedy can hear the thoughts of those around him, and also broadcast his own thoughts to others within his (very large) range. He has a natural gift for directing people or intimidating them enough to get them to listen. He's a very straightforward and timely person, which can sometimes make people he's moving around nervous, but this is balanced by his general humor and good nature. He currently works to assure the safety of about 20 million people, and probably has the most stressful job in america.

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