
2 years, 9 days ago



Status: Where are we again?

Name: Midge Ywell
Nicknames: Midi
Age: Early 20s in human years if you need to know
Gender: Feminine maybe?...It's the pink isn't it?
Species: Dog shaped
Languages: ???
Skills/Abilities: Very durable which helps since they're a bit clumsy.
Job: ???
Height: 3'4''
Weight: 90 skeins of yarn
Eyes: Yellow cute
Other: Was dying a small white patch on their head but accidentally turned their whole face pink. His fur is slowly growing back yellow but it'll take awhile.
Really goes by whatever they're feeling that day so sometimes they might prefer leaning more into a feminine look or a masculine look. But it looks the sam-Oooh I get it."
Born with glasses, what a cruel world. At least they don't come off. Um at least they stick to their face and don't come off easily.
Personality: Years and years of others assuming they're the smart one it kind of stuck. Now Midge isn't dumb not by any stretch of the word but they don't really have a filter either.
Anything says goes, and they're willing to try anything even if its the same thing many times in a row "just in case". The solution could be bopping them on the nose but maybe they need a better prescription.
Good think is Midge will let you know how she feels, rarely do they use sarcasm or "sugar coat".
Likes: Yarn, knitting and crochet did you know they made their body suit it even comes with a poncho. They liked their fur color but felt it was too plain so it's the same color with sprinkles of pink or red and yellow.
Dislikes: Snags, those weird prickly things from grass, being caught in the rain or being wet period. Dislikes getting so heated over silly things but he's working on it.
Wants: ???
Friends: Lou (big inspiration for their crafts), Kini, Rhussel
Family: ???
History: Midge started her knitting journey with many knitted coverings and accessories but decided to try their best and make the sweater of their dreams. On the surface it was beautiful and admired by a lot of people she didn't even expect. Of course a group of less than goodwilled individuals shoved Midge into the nearest bush, jealous of his talents no doubt. But Midge did the worst thing and panicked soon tangling themselves in a mess of yarn and sticks as they sat there for hours. Fortunately the odd kid from their class Lou found them and cut them out of the mess before returning them home.
Other: n/a