Finley Tenblum (General Thramus)



1 year, 11 months ago


General Erendriel Thramus


-high elf

General Thramus was one of the most influential figures on the council that oversaw the mental and emotional training of the underlings at Kildesgrove. They took a special interest in Finley because they were the one that slaughtered his family when he was young. Of course, Finley doesn't know that. As far as Finley has been made aware, he has never had any parents or family in the first place. General Thramus told him he literally 'spawned' into existence through the will of the Ancients (not true at all). Throughout Finley's life, General Thramus kept him close in order to use him as a sort of experiment to test the limits of what they could get Finley to believe and do. They manipulated and lied to him constantly, and held him to an impossible standard in order to keep Finley always falling short. By keeping him in a vulnerable and desperate-to-please mindset, they were able to get Finley to do nearly anything. They also were known to be an awful alcoholic that would become violent toward Finley when drunk. They decided that the experiment was no longer worth it when Finley became so burnt out that he was failing nearly every mission. So, they decided to sacrifice him to one of the Ancients, a dark creature they kept hostage in a coliseum for this specific purpose. When Finley was set there to be executed, however, he escaped with the help of a friend and has been a nagging loose end for Thramus ever since. They have finally decided to seek out and finish Finley off, once and for good. They try to manipulate him into believing he can go back to Kildesgrove, before Finley is won back over by his friends and ends up killing Thramus.

They have a magic-based ability where if they are touching someone and looking directly into the person's eyes, they are able to give the person a short hallucination or series of images, whether those are true or false. It wouldn't work without eye contact and physical touch however, and the victim could break away with some effort or before they are put into a trance.