★ Seiryuu ([v.143])



3 years, 7 days ago


TATSUHARA, Hoshimi (龍原 星見)
17 years old ; September 12
(cis)Female ; she/her (he/they accepted)
159.5cm / 5'2.8"
51.1kg / 112.7 lbs

[ "... ... ...Oh, you were talking to me?..." ]

An apathetic, sharply analytical girl of seemingly few words and even fewer emotions. Tatsuhara has a stoic and standoffish aura to her, something that is not helped by her blunt manner of speech and rumored identity as the heir to billion-dollar company, Ryuugin International. As such, she has the reputation of being next to impossible to befriend. In fact, even when her assistance is required, many people still opt to speak through her closest associates instead. That said, she isn't at all a mean-spirited individual, something those who know her would adamantly vouch for.

Tatsuhara is a student of Meikyou High School, class 5-A. As part of the class committee, her role is that of treasurer. She is also a member of the Archery Club. Her hobbies are apparently "people-watching" and "thinking about things". Tatsuhara likes drinking warm tea - in fact, she often brings a thermos of tea to school. She's easily irritated by noise, and so tends to visit the library during break time. Rarely ever seen apart from her friends, especially Daniel.