Pietà Mikelson



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




5'6" / 168 cm


"Oopth, lotht another tooth."

Pietà is a sickly girl who doesn't let life get her down. She is the embodiment of Pestilence.

Pietà will often loose teeth, but at least they always grow back. She has pale, yellowish skin that bruises easily. She was born with albinism, so her natural haircolor is white/blonde with reddish eyes. Her face is always a little puffy, and her freckles are a mix of current pock marks, scars, and regular moles/freckles. She has a terrible scar on her head, and is most often seen wearing hats to conceal it. She likes to dress in layers and wear comfy, fluffy clothing. She dreads feeling like she's back in her hospital gown.

She was born in China, and despite her albinism and many allergies, was able to life a relatively pleasant life in her youngest years. That came to a halt when her village was destroyed by a natural disaster. She was displaced for a short time before being adopted by a family in Italy. They were very loving and kind, though she refused to vocalize. From then on her health deteriorated year by year, slowly losing the ability to walk. Her face was always puffy and rashy, so she began wearing masks. The family she had been adopted into was very kind and wealthy, so they could afford her medical bills, but a series of misfortunes made life hard for even them. Convinced it was her fault, she ran away from home. She was found in the morning, having unstrapped herself and crawled into the arms of La Pietà. So moved by the beautiful art, when she was sent home, speaking for the first time in a year she told her guardians to refer to her as Pietà.

She has a soft voice, but loves to sing. It's shocking how powerful, yet gentle her voice can be.

Her horsemen powers allow her to internalize and control her sickness. Pestilence gives her domain over Illness, Animals, and Natural Disasters.