Diesel Olivia



2 years, 5 days ago



Name Diesel Olivia
age 22 years
gender male (he/him)
height 6 ft 7 in
race human (non-infected)
birthday October 26th
star sign Scorpio
occupation Raider

Diesel's personality post-apocalypse did not vary much in comparison to his behavior prior. Prone to relying on the figures in his life who were older than him, he liked to dodge responsibility, whether that was for his actions, financial status, or otherwise.

Known for being a bit explosive, Diesel responds with high intensity emotions regardless of the situation. Everything he feels, he feels in profuse excess, and he makes no effort to filter his behavior. Despite the tough exterior he puts up and his intimidation factor, he's been pinned as a bit of a "crybaby" by his peers in the past.

Despite this, he likes to use his own violence, size, and demeanor to intimidate others. The apocalypse brought out some of his worst qualities, making him meaner and considerably less pleasant to be around, even to those he genuinely likes.

All of his negativity aside, Diesel is often very hardy and capable in survival scenarios, and is a considerably useful ally to make. His emotions can make him either terrible to be around, or one of the most empathetic people you've ever met, with little space in-between.


  • Drove a '06 Ford Mustang GT prior to the infection days, which he has modded and now uses as a weapon.
  • He does not survive the entire time without becoming infected, but makes it from 17yrs to 25yrs.
  • Joined a group of raiders at 19yrs, stayed with the same group until he was almost 22yrs.
  • Sympathetic to the infected, he prefers to avoid lethality with them if possible, but does not feel the same affection towards his fellow survivors.
  • Still a hard rock / metal fan, he keeps a folder of CDs in the Mustang.
Design Notes

  • Lip piercing on the right side only.
  • Tattoos are not random and are usually always drawn in the same locations.
  • Bandanna is not optional.
  • Eyes are blue, but usually given a hazy overlay.
  • Hand wrapping / any other accessories or outfit details are all optional.

Prior to the infection, Diesel was the youngest brother of two, and incredibly attached to his older brother, Kay. Roommates just outside of Dallas, Texas, Diesel worked in a record store at a local mall (where he usually avoided doing his job).

In the early days of the infection, Diesel and Kay stayed strictly together with a refusal to pick up any other survivors, but were separated within the first year of the fall by an opposing group of survivors. Convinced his brother had been killed, Diesel struck out on his own, tracing his way back home and recovering the abandoned Mustang.

Diesel spent the next year traveling alone. Drilling metal sway bars into the vehicle's body, he wrapped each opposing bumper in sharpnel and barbed wire, and the car became his primary mode of intimidation, siphoning gas from the tanks of abandoned traffic. At 19yrs, he earned himself a respectable spot with a group of raiders, who valued the running vehicle probably more than they valued Diesel himself. Despite this, he proved himself a violent and incredibly useful asset, unsympathetic to any survivor that wasn't himself.

During his time with the raider, he met Cato and Ashley, a survivor and a teenager they had picked up prior to Diesel's arrival. Though his companionship with Ashley was strained and borderline abusive in nature, the three often paired together for any jobs beyond their central operating location. After a few years of working together, Diesel and Cato stole away with a surplus of supplies and the modified Mustang, surviving together as a duo until Cato's infection.

Promising he wouldn't abandon him, Diesel agreed to lock Cato inside of an old high school building, where he would return each week with something to feed him throughout his infected state. Despite making this promise, Diesel eventually stopped returning, knowing Cato would neither remember the promise nor understand that he wasn't coming back. Alone again, Diesel refused to rejoin the previous raiders (also hearing word that Ashley had abandoned).