Antoinette Bachelorette



2 years, 3 months ago



Antoinette "Tutti" Bachelorette (real surname is Chateau) is an important band member of "Crime&Death Punishment", being the lead singer. Tutti went to music school and played piano, but he liked singing the most. He later went to college where he became friends with Duke, and together they formed a duo that was picked up by Lemonade, and turned into a full band, later inviting Simon. Tutti is a singer with a wide grasp, can sing in almost every genre, which becomes handy when everyone decides to experiment.

Tutti is a nonbinary lesbian, he likes wearing comfortable clothes and button ups (that are unbuttoned in some... places). Despite dressing up way simpler than everyone else in the band, Tutti's fans go crazy over his looks. He likes to dye his hair lighter blonde (his original color is dust blonde), and wear bright makeup he puts on himself (much to Lemonade's dismay). Tutti is an anteater, and outside of his parents, he also has 2 baby brothers who are big fans of his band. And, despite using Bachelorette stage name, Tutti actually has a girlfriend named Vincent.

Tutti is a very calm, simple and easygoing person, he rarely gets angry or sad for a long time, and quickly forgives and forgets. Finds happiness in smallest of things, like a big english breakfast or a big milkshake, a funny movie or a nice weather. He befriends people very easily, and loves every single friend of his.