


2 years, 14 days ago


Alastor the Warforged Druid 

This is Alastor. The second Alastor opened his eyes, he found the world was much different from him. A looming figure himself, he awoke in a large run down tower without a single soul around. The forest was alive around him and he was alive too…in a way. Looking at himself in the water of the river nearby, he was his gunmetal black body that stood out so starkly against all the other warm browns and green of nature. He was nothing like the world around him. And he hated it. 

The forest was alive around him at all times. The birds sang, the trees whispered in the wind, the animals talked amongst each other. Their hearts beat as one and became a cacophony of music that Alastor was too tone deaf to join. He had no heart to beat with them. He was moving and talking but he wasn’t truly alive like them. He glared at the living creatures around them. Why was he forced to live like this while they got to live truly and freely. It wasn’t fair. 

The forest Alastor had woken in seemed to go on forever. It was inescapable no matter how far he walked. He was trapped in the forest he’d found himself in with nothing but the mocking trees and lush greenery around him. The thought left him enraged. All the power he found himself with and the one thing he wanted was outside of his reach. 

The first tree Alastor cut down made him feel powerful. The birds had been screaming just a bit too much and he’d lost his temper. He slammed his fist into the tree over and over again until it ripped over. As the tree crashed into the ground, the birds shot out of the trees in fear and the forest was mercifully silent. He grabbed what was left of the tree he’d destroyed and began to break it down. The lumber fueled the fire within him and he felt his magic growing. The irony wasn’t lost in him. He gained his power over the forest from destroying it. 

And he continued to do exactly that, he destroyed trees and nests. He poisoned hunting grounds and waterholes. The forest didn’t deserve to live if he couldn’t too. He would kill every living thing that was around him in nature until it was just as dull and lifeless as he felt. And that’s Alastor.

Magic Item 

Circlet of The Fire Bringer 

A metal circlet bound to your head. The gem on your forehead glows with an ever-burning fire within. 

● Wisdom increases by 2. 

â—Ź All Melee weapon attacks you make deal an additional 2d4 fire damage. â—Ź The circle connects you to the element of fire itself.

● The circlet had three charges of fireball at a level equal to your proficiency bonus (minimum of third level). The charges are regained the next dawn. 


A small book of matches with forest fire prevention branding in dwarfish on the front.