Eye Types



1 year, 11 months ago


Although each species of Animalian have a variation in their eyes for color, shape, and size, there are two 'types' of eyes that an Animalian can be born with 'modern' and 'ancient' eyes.

Modern - Modern eyes, like the name implies, have started to pop up more frequently in all species. These eyes have little white visible on them as their iris's are very large. They do not have any better vision than the ancient eyes, but their eye movement may be hard to follow with much of the sclera covered.

Ancient - Unlike modern eyes, ancient eyes have been the dominant eye type for most of Animalia history and only recently have started to become a minority. These eyes have a large amount of white visible on the eyeball, and their iris is only a small ring of color around their pupal. Their vision isn't any worse than Modern eyes as it seems to be only cosmetic in nature.

The type of eye a Animalian is born with has some connection with genetics as whatever type of eye one's parents have will likely be what their children have, however on occasion, this is not the case and a child will be born with the opposite type of their parents. It is unknown why this happens.