Luparo of hearthshire



2 years, 2 days ago


Luparo Enthowl is a wolffolk paladin born and raised in the small town of hearthshire. His family raised him in faith and taught him of all the gods. once he came of age he chose to devote himself to Cree, the dragon queen of creation, building, and fire. While he tends to look rather irritable (and he very well may be, some of the other paladins are idiots…) he very much enjoys the service he does in the name of his god. He has taken the name of “Luparo of Hearthshire” to honor his family and friends from the small town he grew up in. He now travels the land with his paladin group going to places in need of aid, or wherever his gods tell him he must go to.

note: PLEASE draw him in clothing, AKA his armor. will design more clothing for him at a later date.