Honey's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Jawz_xox Global Rules

 - DO NOT HAVE DESIGNS PRIVATED IN A WAY I CAN'T SEE THEM. I MUST be able to see them at all times, so if you wish to private, give me an access key.

DO NOT DELETE CHARACTER PROFILES. - You may change and edit any character design you own in any way you'd like. However, the one limit being do not white wash or race bend poc coded anthros or poc humanoid designs of mine. Doing so will result in blacklisting, its a weird thing to erase deliberate represenation.

> EDIT GUIDELINES > You may edit my art, but art creation credit must always go to me. > If you edit my design, the original design you purchased must also remain on the character's profile, you can clarify in its caption that its their original design. - You may co own my designs with another person (please only have ONE character profile to prevent confusion) - I must ALWAYS be credited as the creator of the design, no matter how much it has been edited. - All designs must stay one character, for example you can not make an "identical twin" then sell that one off. - You may not use my art or designs for commercial use. RESELL/TRADE - You may resell, trade, and gift any design of mine you own, no need to ask. - selling, trading, or gifting to anyone on my blacklist is strictly forbidden. - DO NOT INFLATE THE DESIGNS ORIGINAL WORTH, meaning you may not sell it for more than it was worth WITHOUT and additional art or goods that would make it worth more. - You may not add additional rules when reselling a character. (Ex: must only be resold back to you) - you may sell designs you were gifted, but only for what they were originally worth. DISCLAIMER: The themes, species combinations, and overall content of my designs can and will be subject to being reused in future designs. I will not make any design that is identical to another but may cherry pick things I like. Upon purchasing a design from me, you are accepting this fact.