Acorn's Comments

Ooh I love her! The colours of her design are just so nice to look at, and your fake screenshots are so accurate lol I could imagine them being in the show!!!

As for headcanons, I think that her maps are really fun to look at, like, she draws monsters and animals all over them! Maybe Moss finds one of the maps and doodles the two of them at one of the locations when she isn’t looking haha

Thank you! <33

Ooh- yes, I could totally see moss doodling one one of Acorn's maps lol. That's super acurate, thank you <33

Such a cutie! I absolutely adore Acorn's design!


Some headcanons for Acorn! I really like her, she has such a nice design and the eye like shape on her clothes is very interesting!!

She enjoys trying and documenting food she's unfamiliar with during her travels. Finds selling a map to someone who is interested very fulfilling, but losing one unintentionally feels like losing a part of herself. Sometimes draws Moss, but doesn't really show him.

Tysm!! ^^

I absolutely love those headcanons- those are literally things she would do lol. Drawing Moss but not showing him is 100% like her. Thanks so much again!! <33