


2 years, 16 days ago


Basic Info
Name Petyr Romanov
Other Names info
Age 26
Gender Male (He/Him)
Height 6'3 (190.5 cm)
Sexuality Bisexual
Species Elysein-Vampire
Home Marepes
Occupation Assassin
MBTI info
Enneagram info
Alignment Neutral
Emotion Calm
Playlist info
  • Black Coffee
  • Stuffed Hashbrowns w a Poached Egg
  • Mystery Novels
  • Vampire Media - Guilty Pleasures are Twilight and True Blood
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  • Being the center of attention
  • Looking unkempt
  • Overly sweet foods
  • Surprises
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  • Mechanics
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  • Petyr has always enjoyed working with his hands - specifically building or repairing things. He has always loved taking something apart, figuring out how it works, and then putting it back together better than when he found it. His love is working on cars and weapons, specifically guns. All of his guns are ones he has made, and they are magicked to only function when wielded by him.
  • Despite his interest in mechanics he is also quite skilled in magic.
  • One of his favorite things are the twin silver snakes that typically adorn his body - they appear to be made out of metal but when enchanted by him they gain sentience and are able to move and function indipendently of Petyr - so long as his magic holds over them. He has named them Loretta and Phillipe and he considers them to be friends, or as one might consider a pet.
  • He is not a fan of 'getting his hands dirty' - preferring to fight ranged to try and minimize his bloodlust as he is still learning to control his thirst. The exception is when he is especially angry or hungry.
  • He has a fear of heights and gets anxious around people who are loud/yell.
  • Honestly, he rather likes being a vampire. He digs the extra boost to his senses, the added strength and speed and the neato powers that come along with it. His least favorite thing is that food and drinks don't satisfy, or even taste the same. ...Having an increased bloodlust isn't ideal either - but that's something he can learn to work around. Despite this, he likes the edgier 'Boo-Hoo I'm a vampire, a child of the night, a MONSTER' media. Will often blast 'edgy' emo/punk rock about being forced to become a vampire. Sometimes, when people really start to annoy him, he will act like an insufferable 'Woe is me' lad like from his favorite cheesey vampire stories.
  • The sides of his neck, shoulders, and thighs are covered with scars: bite marks, with concerningly large canines.
  • Cras ornare tristique elit.
  • When people first meet Petyr they often would describe him as scary and of having an imposing presence often due to his 'grumpy' looking resting face and his impeccable posture.

    He often presents as a human and likes to keep his true nature hidden.

    His style can best be described as 'Executive Goth' - he likes to look expensive and well put together and takes great care in all aspects of his appearance. Even when dressing casual, he will usually wear something that still looks neat and presentable. He prefers blacks or dark greys and will rarely wear any type of color unless it is just for an accenting pop - and even then the color usually isn't 'bright'.

  • Skin: #f8e8dd
  • Eyes: #273c56
  • Hair: #23282e
Perceptive . Calculating . Loyal . Genuine






Jen | Childhood Best Friend/Love Interest

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Kei | Son

Shortly after being reuinited with his childhood best friend, he was introduced to her adopted son Kei, and soon after meeting him quickly took up the role of a second protector for the child. He is very fond of Kei and keeps several pictures of him in his wallet and phone - right alongside Jen. He will often spoil him with gifts, no matter how big or small. Originally, upon finding out about the demon possessing him, Petyr was worried and even secretly started to research exorcisms - but Salem has grown on him. For a demon, he figures that Kei could do a lot worse. At least Salem seems interested in keeping Kei safe.

Laurel | Mentor/Roommate

When he first came to Marepes it was Laurel who found him after seeing signs of an out of control youngblood in town. Wanting to keep the eyes of hunters off of the city, Laurel approached him and offered him assistance - fully planning on killing him if he refused. To her surprise, when he realized what she was he asked her for help before she could offer any. She took him into her home to keep a better eye on him and helped him work on controlling his thirst so that he might be able to live a relatively normal life. Laurel is also the person who helped him get a job working under a mysterious assassin organization - asking a favor of a close friend, Jak, to pull some strings for him. Petyr thinks very highly of her and despite the short time that they have known each other would even go as far as to call her family.

Jak | Friend

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Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

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