


2 years, 3 days ago


lie low until the wrath has passed.


[ About ]


Zip is a Sonic.EXE-esque entity, derived from the concept of death. Only problem is that he was created inside the Sonic universe, so there's only scattered deaths to sustain him. He works along the others, each assigned a different horseman of the apocalypse. This is gonna be a running theme with this guy. Be warned lol

It isn't manevolent, not in any sense of the world. Zip does what needs to be done, and seldom loses his temper. He can keep a cool head in most situations unless something he cares about is on the line. Which, y'know, is rare, but it can happen.

He oftens finds himself watching Mobian life from a distance, only intervening when needed. Y'know. Reaping souls n' all that. With that in mind, this guy can't exist without life. He needs people to die for Zip to live. A tradeoff of sorts.

[ Personality ]


  • cold places
  • stones
  • time


  • evasiveness
  • defiance
  • bright lights


Zip is straight to the point. He doesn't beat around the bush, and can come off as blunt to others. He perfers to get things done as opposed to letting them fester for god knows how long.

[ Basics ]

GENDER Genderless
AGE 10,000+
VOICE Ennard

[ Story & Trivia ]

In the beginning, Zip was a faceless entity. It wandered the plains of a not-so-future Mobius, untouched by any .EXE entities or malicious souls. It, along with three others, worked together to balance out the world they found themselves in. Things were calm, until one day, a certain blue hedgehog began making headway across the plains of Mobius. Time and time again, he avoided the clutches of death. Month after month, Zip became enraged. Did this little creature ever know when to give up? He never did make himself known to Sonic or his allies. Instead, he began increasing his efforts to enact the hedgehog’s demise.

Every single one failed. Finally, after what felt like eons, Zip snapped. On that fateful winter morning, Zip found the blue blur seated in the vast expanse of the Green Hill Zone. The battle was unlike anything Zip had fought before, but with increased effort, Death emerged victorious.

As a trophy of its victory, Zip took on Sonic’s form. It was never used to the physical strain put on it by moving bodies, so it was quickly deformed into what we see as Zip nowadays. Alongside Zip, his three companions took on forms similar to his own.

For a time, the four were content living in their ruined wonderland, with nothing to watch over or monitor aside from the occasional survivor. Until recently, Zip saw things change. The world around him crumbled and fell, and with time, Famine fell ill. Needless to say, there was a bit of a panic within the group. After some loud arguing and panicking, Zip stated that he’d go back into the past and find out what, or who was causing this. After all, Famine was his best ally.

TL;DR: Mobius indirectly causes a ripple effect that causes Zip's pal to become hella ill so he teleports into the past to fix that shit

  • Zip is totally hollow, there is nothing inside him. No souls, no organs, nothin.
  • Can cause matter to decay, but can't make it fall apart completely unless it's dead or just. Not living. Like a table.
  • Needs to eat, does so by absorbing material. Reference: mushrooms

[ Relationships ]



Zip and War's relationship is rough. These two usually clash outside of the whole 'being creatures beyond comprehension', but work together when it comes to what they do. War does the dirty work, Zip cleans up the mess. Even though, the duo have a mutual respect for each other.



Much like War, Pestilence (or just. Pest) and Zip have a mutual respect for each other, but unlike war, Zip doesn't really like this guy. Only because he slacks off nine times out of ten, and shows up to the party a week late, if you catch my drift.



Okay there should be a pattern showing here, but Zip is the closest to Famine of all three of his allies. The starved vessel is the youngest of the four, so Zip's more or less taken the guy under his wing. That being said, Famine is still an unstoppable force of starvation, so Zip respects him as much as the others.